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2405 fatwas

  • Ascertaining the Direction of the Qiblah

    I am using qibla app in android /smart phone during every prayer. In some waqt the direction in one point, in other waqt it deviates to some extent(several degrees). Allaah knows what is right, but I tried my best. Do I have to repeat previous prayer? .. More

  • Intended to Pray Qiyaam But Overslept

    As’salaamu Alaikum Shaykh, if I had the intention to pray on the night of laylatul-Qadr but then fell asleep because my 5 month old baby woke up in the middle of the night and I fell asleep trying to settle her. Have I missed out on the reward of laylatul-Qadr? .. More

  • Delivering a Class While People are Praying

    Assalamu alaykumIn our local masjid short duroos given (for about 10 minutes) right after fajr and maghrib salah. Because of the duroos people dont get enough time to say adhkaar which are to be said after fard salah so some people postpone saying adhkaar until the duroos is over. Is this postponing right or is it considered a bidah? .. More

  • Tashahhud After The Third Rak'ah

    I sat for last tashahhud for Isha then when I said 'at' I felt 100% sure that it is the third rakah so I stood up and continued praying. I didn't want to start praying again because I was afraid that I will miss Isha and also because I have waswasah about my salah not being valid. After I finished felt that I done an act of kufr because the time for.. More

  • Requirements For Calling the Athaan

    What are the requirements in regard to age, beard and clothing for the person who call athan. .. More

  • Prayer and Purification for Ill People

    Assalamu AlaikumMy wife met with an accident recently, and her body from neck down is paralysed. She can't move her arms or legs, has no control over her bowel movements or urination - A tube is inserted for urination. She has not been bathed as she had surgery few days back. What is the Islamic law regarding her Tahara (bathing, wudu, tayamum) and.. More

  • Praying Part of a Prayer During its Prescribed Teme

    suppose, i am returning home from my office in running bus on road while maghrib time running. bus is running and if i get down for prayer, bus may not wait for me and it will be hard for me to catch local bus and then return home as it is long distance. in that case what should i do? should i pray in bus though there is hardly scope for pray standing,.. More

  • Guttural Sounds Can Invalidate the Prayer

    Do guttural sounds from the throat invalidate salah? I sometimes make them during prayer? .. More

  • Not Performing Nafl Prayers

    Scholars, I read in an earlier fatwa of yours that there is difference of opinion in whether or not missing nafahil prayers is sinful. I was wondering, what is the view of the majority of scholars/correct opinion? Please do not refer me to an existing fatwa. .. More

  • Praying Alone Behind the Row

    suppose a person stand behind the row though there is a sufficient gap for a man in the row. now as a latecomer should i stand beside that person so that his prayer remain valid as it is reported in the hadith that who stand behind the row alone his prayer is invalid? or should i fill the gap of the row? again if he stand alone behind row from 1st rakah.. More

  • Abandoning the Prayer is Not Apostasy

    salam. what is this website's view on a Muslim who doesn't pray (is he kafir or not)? and what is its evidence behind the view? .. More

  • A House in Paradise for Praying Twelve Optional Rak'ahs

    Assalam aalekum it is in Hadith that person who will pray 12 rakah of prayer daily Allah will built palace in jannah if any one is praying 12 rakah daily daily Allah will built palace in jannah .. More

  • Determining the Last-Third Part of the Night

    Assalam Alaykum,When exactly is the range of time regarded as the last/Third period of the night most prescribed and recommended for prayer answering? .. More

  • Praying without Ascertaining the Direction of the Qiblah and with Impurities on his Clothes

    Assalamu alaikum. I read some of fatwas that if one delivrately doesnt find out the qiblah and prays in a random direction. He must make up for that prayer later. However another sheikh said that if i prayed a certain prayer in a cloth which had some impurity and i found that out after the time of prayer has ended for example I prayed zhur. And at the.. More

  • Different Wordings of Tashahhud

    Salam aleikum wa rahmatu Llahi wa barakatu.I have 2 questions:1 in tv there are a lot of programs which say send a message and you can win money, house or car. Is it halal to play?2 I read in salah there are a lot of types of tashahud, which is the closest to sunna? .. More