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720 fatwas

  • His new wife dislikes that his daughter visits them

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am newly married to a wonderful wife, she is from a different culture, and she is also from another country. I was married before and have a daughter from my past marriage, and I was honest about that from the first day. My daughter live with her mother but visits me on a weekly basis. My daughter is seven years old now. My current.. More

  • Naming babies after angels, and the name Jannah for girls

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have questions about baby-names: 1. Is it halal to name a baby after an angel, like calling the baby Michael or Gabriel? I have heard and read different opinions, but none of them with sources from Quran or Hadith that forbid doing that. 2. Is the name 'Jannah' halal for girls? I have heard that the real Jannah (Paradise) is male,.. More

  • Conditions for receiving government benefits must be observed

    I am a mother of two children. I got divorced by my ex-husband three years ago after 10 years of marriage. He kicked us out of the house. Allaah and my highly educated religious family supported me until I resettled after 10 years of suffering and depression in this marriage. The children's father, who is a professional and is rich, does not support.. More

  • Using names like Hameedah for women

    Is it right to take Allaah's name for women? Like changing Hameed to Hameedah for women? .. More

  • Using a nipple shield in breastfeeding

    Is it allowed in Islam when a mother is breastfeeding ,to use preventive like sheaths or in order to safe the baby. .. More

  • Ruling on naming a baby girl Anastasia

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. I would like to ask if it is permissible to name a female Muslim baby Anastasia knowing that the name means 'resurrection' and wasoriginally invented by early Greek Christians to honour the resurrection of Christ. The name was popularised by one of their so-called saints from the 4th century and it became.. More

  • Parental dispute over child benefit money given by the state

    Assalaamu alaykum. I just wanted to explain that I am in a very difficult position; my daughter is severly disabled and I have another younger daughter. I have problems at home because my husband wants me to look after his parents as well as my children and the home. No one in the family provides for anything; They expect me to pay for everything -.. More

  • Keeping record of the women who breastfeed a baby

    Assalaamu alaykum, I would like to know who, if anyone, is responsible for keeping a record of a baby having been breastfed by a woman other than his mother in order to make this known when the baby grows up and wants to get married. I ask because I heard of a case where a couple had to separate after years of marriage because they discovered that as.. More

  • Husband does not want his step-son to live with him

    Asalaamu alaykum. I am a 34-year-old female. I have a son from a previous marriage who is 13 years old. I remarried again after 12 years. My new husband and I have been having alot of issues and arguments over the 1.5 years that we have been married. He has left around four times due to arguments and me telling him to leave or him leaving on his own.. More

  • Carrying the name 'Abdul-'Aatif

    My name is Abdul Athif K. Athif means 'kind'; so I was given the name Abdul Athif as 'slave of kind'. But when I looked into the 99 names of Allah s.w.t., the name Athif is not present. But everyone calls me only Athif. Is my name going against the principles of Tawheed and is it a Major sin preventing from entering Jannah? Should I change my name in.. More

  • Buddhist mother-in-law reads chants over grandchild for healing

    A Muslim lady married to a convert Muslim boy whose mother is a Buddhist, they lived together peacefully without religious differences. They have a 10 months old child. Whenever child get ill, or any event, the Buddhist grandmother tries to do some Buddhist rituals which is sometimes leads to shirk. Now arguments erupt between Mother in law and the.. More

  • Adulterous wife loses right to custody of children

    I am married to a european lady who is reverted to Islam. We have two children. 3 years back i move to my native country and she was not happy that i move with her and children to my country, She think i have consulted her before i took this decision. One year n some months we lived in my native country but everyday we would argue, several times i raised.. More

  • An apostate wife has no right to custody of her Muslim children

    Assalaam alaykum. If a Hindu woman converts to Islam and marries a Muslim (myself) and then converts back to her former faith and preaches Hinduism in my presence in spite of me advising her to follow Islam, then what is the status of the custody of our son and my property. I divorced her as per the Islamic rites and rituals and two years back and left.. More

  • Can a woman take off her Hijab in front of her stepson if he was born from Zina?

    A woman says that she has a stepson and does not know whether he was born from a legal or an illegal relationship. The question is: if this stepson was born from an illegal relationship, can she take off her Hijaab in front of him? Is it permissible for him to be her Mahram (permanently unmarriageable) during travel or in a journey of ‘Umrah or Hajj? .. More

  • Parents will be rewarded for making their female child wear the Hijab

    I have a 9-year-old girl. She insists on wearing the Hijaab and I agreed to this. However, I was surprised by many of my relatives blaming me for that and saying that it is too early for her to wear the Hijaab and that Allaah Almighty has not imposed the Hijaab on her (i.e. on that age). Please advise me; should I let her wear the Hijaab, or am I doing.. More