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720 fatwas

  • Raising Boys And Girls

    I had a discussion today with my husband. He claims that upbringing is not the same for boys and girls. He says it is worse if a girl loose her virginity before marriage than for a boy. I say that it is Haram for both boys and girls and that they will both get punishment from Allah (SWT). Who's right? Please get me valuable Daleel, fast! .. More

  • Protection for young daughter from her uncle

    I do not trust my brother (17 years old) in law to be around my 3 years old daughter. My Muslim wife wants to visit her family (non-Muslim). I do not want my daughter to go with her. Is that permissible? And how I can present this issue to my sensitive wife?.. More

  • Japanese Muslims Seeking Islamic Education for Children

    My wife and I are writing this letter, as we are highly concerned about the Islamic upbringing of our two boys, who are 8 and 10 years old. We live in Japan, and there are no Islamic schools for that age, so the children are attending normal Japanese schools. Our concern is that the children spend most of the day among non-Muslim children and the school.. More

  • Worried About Children's Future Since Wife Does Not Practice Islam

    My wife for 14 years became Muslim about 2 years ago. Her practice of Islam hasn't improved since she took Shahadah, no praying and no fasting and no covering of hair. But she stopped going to Church, and I truly believe she is sincere in her belief. She tells my 3 year old daughter Al-hamdu Lillah when she sneezes, and she answers Salaam when I say.. More

  • Fears overeating and obesity for blind, inactive son

    My son is blind and a bit less than his brothers in terms of thinking and handling general issues. I could not find him a job thus he is always at home. He spends his time between playing play station games (special ones) and watching TV news and good programs. The problem is that, because he does not work and almost does nothing, he is getting fat... More

  • Adoption in Islam

    If someone doesn't have baby can he adopt an orphan baby? Cite Fatwa regarding this? .. More

  • Explaining Satan to a 3-Year-Old Child

    Please tell me how can I explain Satan to my three-year-old child? .. More

  • Changing name to please fiancé

    My name is Habiba which means "darling" in Arabic. I am engaged to be married soon and my fiancé does not like my name due to the thought of other people (Especially males) calling me by my original name. Do you think that I am doing the right thing by agreeing with my fiancé to change my name?2. Is it Haram to communicate with my fiancé through.. More

  • Raising Child of Zina in Muslim Environment

    Man having child of 3 years from a non-Muslim girl as per American law is true father and has to grow up child and pay for childcare. Admits his sin and seeks to marry a Muslim girl. Your Fatwa granted permission to get married but should not have any contact with the son because son is not legal according to Islamic Shariah.a) It is not possible for.. More

  • Naming son Ishaq

    I gave my newborn baby name "Ishaq". This name is the name of one of our Prophet Ibrahim's (Peace be upon him) sons. Is this acceptable?.. More

  • Naming child Kareem

    I have a question about Islamic names. My wife just had a baby boy and we named him Kareem. We were told by a couple of people that it is Haram and it should be Abdul Kareem. We were told that we can't name him just Kareem. We looked at various websites about Islamic names and found that both Kareem and Abdul Kareem were proper names for a child. Please.. More

  • Additions to name "Raihan"

    What is the prefix or suffix for the name "Raihan"?.. More

  • Muslims joining Boy Scouts

    Is it permissible for a Muslim parent to enroll their son in boy scouts? Muslim boy scouts are not available in his area... More

  • Sacrifice for twin boys

    I have just learned that I am carrying twin boys, Al-hamdulillah. Does that mean that four sheep have to be slaughtered for the Aqiqah--two for each boy?.. More

  • Changing Muslim Name to English Name in the West

    We leave in US and my name is "Talal Abdul Mumith". This name is give by my parents. In all legal documents my name is still "Talal Abdul Mumith". For convince for the American business community I have changed my name to "Troy" an English name instead of "Talal". So that it is easy for the people. Is this ok in Islamic point of view. Please comment. .. More