Marrying a non-Muslim woman to help her keep her chastity

18-2-2008 | IslamWeb


Aslamo Alaiykum, I m a 26yr old Muslim in UAE, i m engaged with close cousin in Pakistan 5years past,i m in UAE since 2yrs Plus ,i found a christian lady married with a hindu on the witness of a Fake document ( Hindu had a wife in India & He make her Death Certificate document to marry this Christian Lady, they had been seperated from a time, when i come to know her, we make relationship and did adultry & we repented it Truely. Then laterly she come to embrase Islam by the will of Allah Al Mighty when i give her Quran to read. Now I want to marry, for her social & better religios life. Niether i want to leave my fiance not this girl, kac they both do love to me & it will hurt to leave any of them. beside this ican't tell to family abt This lady because i know there is big aurgument & quarl + it will hurt my fiance in Pakistan, i want to know, is it possible According Quran & Haddith that i never consult with my Pakistan Fiance & Parents even for this marriage ( Christian Lady -newly Muslim ). Is it Allowed to have marriage like this For Peace? & Do Her old fake documentary marriage is False already becoz She is Muslim now?And Even this 2nd one knows i m engaged in Pakistan


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger.


When a non-Muslim woman embraces Islam, her marriage contract with her non-Muslim husband becomes void unless he becomes a Muslim during her waiting period as we clarified in Fatwa 84226.

In this case, she may marry you or anyone else. However, it should be noted that it is her Muslim guardian –if she has any –or a Muslim judge who should marry her off, and she cannot marry herself off on her own self. 

As regards that Hindu man getting a forged certificate that his first wife is dead, then this by itself is not an impediment for him from marrying this woman.

Furthermore, you are not obliged to consult your first wife or your parents in regard to marrying this woman, but if you do so it might be better. For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 82576.

Finally, it should be noted that marrying this woman with the intention of helping her to keep her chastity, is something for which you will be rewarded Inshaa’ Allaah. 

Allaah Knows best.