His dealing with a non-Muslim has caused him a big financial loss

27-10-2011 | IslamWeb


Asalamu-Alaikum brother, Firstly i appreciate your time in answering my question. My question is around dealing with non-Muslims in a non-Muslim country. I live in the West and have had an unfortunate business dealing with a non-Muslim man, and as a result i have had to repay a large amount of money. I feel angry at the non-Muslim man for his actions which have resulted in me repaying money. Although i am not sure whether this man was evil in his way of actions or whether he was just selfish and careless. My dealings with this man was not an honorable one as the dealings with him were around evading taxes, which have now resulted badly for me, but not for him. I have tried many times to contact this man to discuss the matter, however he does not return my phone calls. Should i give this non-Muslim the benefit of the doubt as i would to a Muslim? I would like to seek revenge against him by harming him or his property, but i am unsure of his intentions because he does not return my phone calls. Please advise me. Jezek Allah Khair


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) is His slave and Messenger.

It is not permissible for you to cheat this non-Muslim man for all what you mentioned nor is it permissible for you to lie on him, nor steal his money, nor harm him in himself or his money, as this is considered an injustice and transgression unless there is evidence that he wronged you or that he took your money or was negligent in preserving it; in which case, you are permitted to take him to court and endeavor to get your right but you are by no means permitted to do wrong to him.

Allaah Knows best.
