Lying to receive internet connection at reduced cost

7-6-2017 | IslamWeb


Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. I have a question to ask. I recently took got a broadband internet connection. I asked my senior brother in college to talk with his internet service provider (suppose A) to give me the connection so that the monthly cost can be reduced. So he talked with his internet service provider (A), but internet service provider (A) told my brother that he does not provide a connection in my area. However, internet service provider (A) told another internet service provider (suppose B) to give me the connection. Here is the point, internet service provider (A) told internet service provider (B) that I am an old user of internet service provider (A) so that the monthly cost can be reduced, but this is a lie. So is this connection halal for me? What should I do now? Should I tell the truth to my internet provider; that other provider (A) told them a lie?


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) is His slave and Messenger.

If what provider (A) told provider (B) has an effect on providing you with the service and that if he had not mentioned that to them they would not have provided you with it, then you must tell them the truth. Then, if they wish, they will either approve the matter or they will cut off the service.

The same applies if what provider (A) told them led to a reduction of the cost that you do not deserve; i.e. provider (B) would not have reduced the cost had provider (A) not lied to them.

However, if none of those two things exist, then there is nothing wrong with continuing with the service and you do not have to inform provider (B) about the lie of provider (A) to them.

Allah knows best.