Insuring Property in Riot Areas

30-4-2002 | IslamWeb


Here in our country properties of Muslims are burnt and looted very openly during communal riots thus causing heavy financial loss. In the direct effect of this Muslims find in very hard to provide for their families. In Islam am I allowed to insure my properties knowing that Riba is Haram? If allowed under special conditions what should be those conditions?


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) is His slave and Messenger.

As a rule, commercial insurance is forbidden. In other words, one is not permitted to have such dealings unless there is an obvious need. Necessity means a case that allows one to deal in what is forbidden; otherwise, he/she will be ruined. For example, one who is very hungry is allowed to eat what is forbidden if he/she fears death or damage to one of his/her limbs.

Therefore, preventing a harm that may befall some property due to wars and communal riots does not constitute a genuine necessity, according to the Sharee'ah, that legalizes prohibited insurance.

For more benefit on the necessity that makes what is forbidden permissible, please refer to Fataawa 237190, 90514, 121302 and 90215.

For more benefit on the prohibition of commercial insurance, please refer to Fataawa 361417, 164309, 164145, 81425, and 156333.

Allah knows best.