Logical reason for wearing Hijab

2-4-2003 | IslamWeb


I am not a knowledgeable person but take interest in learning about Islam and try to see the logic behind an Order by Allah. I am a female and covering of face is controversial. What I have understood that each Surah was descended in a particular circumstance to explain if and to make people understand when it is to be applied.Covering of face was descended when women when going outside were disturbed by non-Muslim. Now even Muslim men and boys look at Muslim women talk bad about them. What I have understood that women are required to cover their faces or hang their sheet, scarf or whatever they are wearing over their head to pull them over their foreheads so that they are recognized as Muslim and pious women and no one bothers them. So, I feel, and I may be wrong that these Ayahs are for women to cover their faces on the way only, because if they are working as the women were working those days too, they are in a safer place. Whereas when a woman or a girl is on the way she is exposed to strangers and if she is commuting she can be seen by a number of people daily. Men enjoy looking at new female faces and no pious woman or a girl would like to be looked at.May Allah forgive me if I am wrong, that these Ayahs are for female to cover their faces while they are commuting from one place to another so that strangers and unknown people don't look at their faces as a woman's face and especially a girl's face is attractive? If she is working or going to some place for some important work and if there is a man and he tries to say something unethical to her then she will be in a better position to complain and have him punished for his behaviour.Allah knows the best. Again, I would ask for forgiveness from Allah if what I have understood is not correct. I am a female and have been working and going out to work to earn bread for my family so I feel that I am in a better position to understand the logic behind it than a male scholar probably that Islam or Allah would not like a female to sit at home and let the whole family starve, but at the same time would guide her as to how to protect herself.


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.

Allah, The Exalted, ordering Muslim women to cover themselves in the presence of alien men, says: {O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e.screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed…….} [33:59]
No one is allowed to understand and deduce from the above verse that a woman can unveil her face in case of no fearing harm since just looking at her constitutes harm against her. Then, Allah imposed the Hijab to protect woman, to cover their beauty, to safeguard society from temptation, and this is indispensable in all places.
Furthermore, a slave girl has to cover herself and others have to lower their gaze if any temptation might be arised due to unveiling her face.
Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) said: 'Hijab has been imposed on women to cover their faces and hands, and this is special for free women… But, if temptation might be arised due to a slave girl's unveiling her face, then she should cover her it as long as there is some possible temptation' .
Therefore, a Muslim woman has to cover her body in the presence of alien men, and this what al-Salaf and Muslim scholars understood.
Allah knows best.
