Felt her heart was singing

5-7-2004 | IslamWeb


I am a Muslim girl; I am 20years old .from Tunisia
3years ago I had an accident and I fell unconscious, so my family brought me to the hospital. First, when I stood up again I felt that my heart was singing.
I know that singing is Haram so I want to know why my heart begun singing? Please I need you don't leave my message please.
I am not optimistic with what happen please help me.


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.

Praise be to Allaah who cured you from what you experienced and we ask Him to protect you in the future.

You said in your question that when you became conscious, you felt that your heart was singing, we do not have any explanation for this. We think that this is the whispering of Satan, so seek refuge in Allaah from Satan, as the plot of Satan is weak before those who hold tight to the Rope of Allah. So do not worry; know that Allah does not hold a person accountable for the whispers of the heart if he does not talk about them, act according to them, or take them as a creed in his heart. This is from the Mercy of Allah on the nation of the Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alayhi wa sallam),

May Allah enable you and us to do whatever He loves and He is pleased with.

Allah knows best.
