Married and remained living in separate countries

13-7-2004 | IslamWeb


I would like to know the ruling on being married and living in separate countries. I have met someone but we are both studying in different countries. Both our parents have consented and we hope to get engaged in the summer. However, I am currently doing a PhD and still have another two years to go and he hopes to be starting a PhD after the summer. We are both aware that engagement in Islam should not last that long before getting married, so what should we do? Is it permissible in Islam for us to get married but live in different countries? Please help us reach a Halal solution. Thank you for your time.


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.

There is no objection in Shariah if the period of engagement extends for a long period. It is also permissible to marry a woman who lives in another country if all the conditions of a legal marriage are met, such as the approval of the guardian of the bride or of his representative, the Mahr, the witnesses and the agreement of the bride and bridegroom. After having completed the marriage contract the consummation of the marriage could be delayed.

Therefore, we advise you to complete your marriage contract and then you become his legal wife and all that is allowed for a husband and wife becomes lawful for you too.

Allah knows best.