Loves her cousin and is afraid of Allaah

25-10-2005 | IslamWeb


Please advise me as soon as you can. Is it ok if we develop some feelings for someone? That is if they are pure and free from all the sexual desires and our only intention is to marry the person in the future if Allaah has given us a long enough life? I have had feelings for my cousin for the past 4 years, and my Lord is my witness, I've never had sexual attraction towards him. Are my feelings wrong in the Eyes of Allaah? Does it mean that my heart is empty and devoid of love for Allaah and that I am far away from His path? I wont say I am a good Muslim just because I recite the Quran and pray five times a day, because I know this is not all that counts, besides this all, I try my very best to do what Allaah orders and try to avoid all that He has forbidden, but am I at fault with this feeling of love towards my cousin? I don't know about it so I am asking you, but please clarify this point of mine, that is, I don't think I am at fault for this development of love, because we humans don't have control over our hearts, and it is Allaah who fills our heart with love, please tell me if what I think is wrong and if I am sinning by saying it? And also clarify if it is ok that a woman marries a man who is a month or two younger to her. Please reply soon.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. We ask Allaah to exalt his mention as well as that of his family and all his companions.


We have already issued Fatwa 84362 clarifying that a man who loves a marriageable woman if this did not happen through a forbidden means, like forbidden looking, and if each one of them is safe from falling into what is forbidden, then they will not be held accountable for this. They should endeavour to marry. It is confirmed that the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) said: "The best solution for those who love each other is to marry." [Ibn Maajah] We clarified in the said Fatwa that it is not permissible to aim at this love and it is forbidden if such love leads to something that is not permissible.

As regards the difference of age in marriage, then there is no harm in this as illustrated in Fatwa 85598

Allaah Knows best.