A Muslim wife has a relation with a Christian man and criticizes the Quran

18-2-2007 | IslamWeb


Dear Sir, Assalam-O-Alaikum, A married muslim women knowingly and willingly enters into an extra marital relationship with another married christian man and confesses of having physical relationship e.g., kissing, huging, touching, meeting alone in private etc. Her parents and sibling are deadly against this act. What is this? Is this zina or not? What will you call it in the light of Sharia?. By doing this she has emotionally and mentally abused her husband, who has to leave that country as he could not bear this abuse. On top of that, She has also misguided her 12 year old daughter by preventing her to acquire any islamic knowledge. The daughter has turned against her father and accused her father that he (the father) did not prove to his daughter that he loves his daughter as he was always trying to bring her towards islam. This muslim woman in question has also made the following statements against Quran before her husband: 1. The Quran is 1400 years old and can't be implemented in this moden world. She lives in USA. 2. She does not like so many things in Quran specially the treatment of Woman. 3. Who has seen what happens when you die. So why should I worry for it. Let, me enjoy my life right now. I'll see that when I'll die. 4. Islam is a ruthless religion as there is no place of any emotion in it. This woman lives in USA and immediately after getting Green Card, she started this so that she may create rift and hate with her husband who is a deeni person and tries to follow islam in its spirit and was trying to raise his family in the light of deen. Her husband has conveyed this matter to her parents in India. Under this condition, what is the role and responsibility of this innocent victim person towards his children (2 daughter - elder one is Down Syndrome and can't understand much and the younger one is spoiled in terms of real deen). Please, spell out his detailed responsibilities in the light of Quran and Sunnah. Please, help.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. We ask Allaah to exalt his mention as well as that of his family and all his companions.


These acts which you mentioned in the question are called in religious terms Zina (fornication and/or adultery) because they lead to it, and they are strictly forbidden. It is really a great tragedy for this woman to establish a relationship with this man while she is already married; for more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 89681. The worst of all is her statement that the Quran is not suitable for this era, and that she dislikes many rulings in it, and that there is no mercy in Islam. Moreover, she denies the pleasure and the punishment of the dead in their graves. If it is confirmed that she said these statements, then she is an apostate. For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 82417.

Hence, it is not permissible for her husband to have sexual intercourse with her and he should not allow her to foster his two daughters as long as she persists in her condition. He should endeavour his utmost not to allow her to foster his daughters and he should be keen to nurture them according to religious principles and good moral conduct. If it is necessary to migrate with them from that country, then he should do so. For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 89418.

Finally, it is an obligation to advise this woman and remind her of Allaah, and seek the help of scholars in that country so that they would repel those misconceptions from her. If she repents to Allaah and embraces Islam during her waiting period, then she may remain with her husband without renewing the marriage contract. However, if her waiting period expires, then a new marriage contract should be conducted; of course if she has repented.

What happened to this woman and what might happen to other women like her, is great evidence proving the seriousness of residing in non-Muslim countries; therefore, one should be very careful about this.

For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 86405.

Allaah Knows best.
