A young boy treating incurable diseases

24-4-2007 | IslamWeb


I would like to explain a bit more for the reason of asking my previouse question no:2144651. I am from Maldives. Near my Island a child aged not more than 11 years have been giving treatment for many patients of different big problems which the modern medicine had done almost nothing. It is understood that a Jinn is coming to him and providing the information and this child is doing this for free. I would request from the site an answer which is precise to the matter mentioned above, not a common one. If you would like more information please let me know. My question is whether this act by the boy is allowed in Islam or Not ??? I'm very thankful for this site for being a great tool for ordinary Muslims like us to learn more & more about the religion. Fatwa no:85875 does not give me the precise answer that i wanted.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) is His slave and Messenger.


You have not precisely mentioned to us the method with which this boy is treating people. If he treats them with Ruqyah, legislated mention of Allaah, and Prophetic supplications, or with medical or herbal medications and the like, then the matter is clear and it is permissible to go to him and be treated by him. However, if there is something doubtful about him, and it is not known with what he treats people, or that he treats them with unknown Ruqyah, then it is an obligation to avoid him as he might be among those who are helped by jinn.

We have already clarified in Fatwa 85875 that it is not permissible to seek the help of jinn even in permissible matters as a way of preventing something forbidden from taking place.  

Allaah Knows best.
