There are 79 articles

  • Hidden Wisdom Underlying the Rituals of Hajj

    The rituals of the Hajj entail great wisdom and excellent lessons, the most important of which is a manifestation of humility to Allah The Almighty. This is because the pilgrim leaves a life of luxury and adornment to wear the clothes of Ihraam, declaring his dire need for his Lord. In this journey, he frees himself from the worldly life and its occupations.. More

  • Lessons from Hajj and the First Ten Days of Thul-Hijjah

    This article is not about the Islamic ruling on Hajj, its rationale, manners, conditions, description, prohibitions and fruits, although this information is vital for each and every Muslim, especially those who intend to perform Hajj so that they can perform this act of worship properly. It is also not about the first ten days of Thul-Hijjah and the.. More

  • Hajj: The Global Conference of the Ummah

    We are all familiar with global summits and conferences during which presidents and other heads of state meet. Besides, foreign ministers, ministers of defense or others meet during other conferences. In the professional context, there are conferences for physicians, others for engineers and the same for other professions. For each of these conferences,.. More

  • Manifestations of Tawheed in Hajj - III

    The Fourth Occasion: The pilgrim, during his Hajj, does many things, whose underlying wisdom he may not know about, other than the realization of servitude and surrender to Allah The Almighty, and following the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. All of this helps him develop piety within himself. For instance, kissing the Black.. More

  • Manifestations of Tawheed in Hajj - II

    The third occasion: The Talbiyah continues with the pilgrim from the very moment he assumes Ihraam for Hajj until he throws Jamrat Al-‘Aqabah on the ‘Eed day. It is the eternal call, in which the servant announces his response to the call of his Creator proclaimed by Ibraaheem (Abraham), may Allaah exalt his mention, as stated by Allah.. More

  • Manifestations of Tawheed in Hajj - I

    Hajj is one of the greatest acts of worship, because of which a great reward has been ordained for the one whose Hajj is Mabroor (i.e., accepted by Allah The Almighty, as being done with sincerity to Allah The Almighty, and compatibility with the guidance of the Messenger of Allah). In confirmation of this, the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi.. More

  • Hajj and Inner Peace - II

    … Continued All these forms and others come under the category of wronging one another. Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {The cause is only against the ones who wrong the people….} [Quran 42:42] If you are tempted by your position or power to wrong people, remember the power of Allah The Almighty over you. Perpetrating this type.. More

  • Righteous Deeds with the Same Reward as Hajj and ‘Umrah – III

    … Continued Al-Haafith Ibn Rajab, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said, “O brothers, if you were prevented from performing Hajj this year, turn inward and exercise self-restraint.” If you are prevented from performing the Hajj rituals, you can still shed remorseful tears for your sins; this is like the shedding of blood i.e., when.. More

  • Righteous Deeds with the Same Reward as Hajj and ‘Umrah - II

    … Continued 3) Performing the Fajr prayer in congregation and staying in the mosque until sunrise to perform the Dhuha prayer: Another righteous deed that substitutes for Hajj and ‘Umrah is performing the Fajr prayer in congregation and staying in the mosque, reciting Thikr until sunrise to perform the Dhuha prayer. The Prophet, sallallaahu.. More

  • Righteous Deeds with the Same Reward as Hajj and ‘Umrah - I

    There are several righteous deeds that may substitute for Hajj and ‘Umrah, for those who cannot afford to perform them. Some of these deeds are: 1) Reciting Thikr after the five daily prayers: Abu Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that a group of destitute people came to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and.. More

  • Hajj and Inner Peace - III

    … Continued Repentance entails true knowledge and overwhelming faith and certainty in the heart. If a believer's repentance is complete, his heart is pained and grieves over the sins and misdeeds that he committed. The Muslim fully believes that Allah The Almighty accepts repentance and forgives sins, and that Allah The Exalted fulfills His.. More

  • Hajj and Inner Peace - I

    When Allah The Almighty bestows upon a believing slave the blessing of calling him to perform the obligation of Hajj, this slave who loves Allah The Exalted feels an overwhelming happiness, combined with awe and humble submission. He is conscious of the great responsibility that he should assume and the trust that must be discharged. He prostrates in.. More

  • Sublime Benefits and Objectives of Hajj - II

    4)Reinforcing Islamic brotherhood and solidarity: Hajj is rather like an international annual public and formal conference. Unlike other acts of worship, it provides a live, direct and bright reality in terms of useful moral values on the human level. This is achieved through the meeting of the masses of pilgrims in a harmonious way that symbolizes.. More

  • Sublime Benefits and Objectives of Hajj - I

    Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam which was prescribed in the ninth year after the Hijrah (emigration) of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. It is out of the mercy of Allah The Almighty towards His slaves that He has enjoined Hajj upon them at least once in a lifetime. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {…And [due] to Allah.. More

  • Virtue of the Days of At-Tashreeq - I

    Remembrance of Allah The Almighty is one of the best and greatest acts of worship. Mu‘aath ibn Jabal, may Allaah be pleased with him, deemed it as the best act of worship ever, for he said, “No deed can save one from the Punishment of Allah better than the remembrance of Allah The Almighty” They said, ‘Not even fighting in.. More

Hajj virtues