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1451 fatwas

  • Discharge during days of delayed menses

    A woman was certain thather period would be delayed by at least five days becauseshe was taking a sort of medication to cause that. Two days beforeher original date (hadshe not been taking medicine),she started getting yellow discharge with cramps, butshe was sure thatshe would not gether period for at least a week. The first two days,she got this dark-yellow.. More

  • Trying to invalidate ablution does not affect its validity

    If a person who has ablution tries to urinate, pass gas, or pass stool yet nothing exits from their body, is their ablution still valid? .. More

  • Performing ablution with removable spot on skin

    Assalaamu alaykum. You have said that if there is a spot on the skin that is difficult to remove,it is permissible to just make ablution and Ghusl (ritual shower) and that it is valid. My question is: what happens if after some time the spot does not come off? Do ablution and Ghusl have to be repeated or not? Also, I would like to know; does one have.. More

  • Washing between buttocks and under nails in Ghusl

    While performing Ghusl (ritual shower), do we have to wash between the buttocks, and do we have to run our fingernails underneath each nail and each toenail? What are the proofs that we must do these things, if we are supposed to do this, as I have never heard any hadith mentioning those thing about Ghusl? My main concern is the buttocks. .. More

  • Wind incontinence during Ghusl

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykhs. I have read that if one passes wind during an obligatory Ghusl (ritual bath), then one must perform ablution after it; however, I suffer from chronic flatulence, and I frequently pass wind, so my ablution does not get invalidated by it, but what about my Ghusl? If I am performing an obligatory.. More

  • Wiping over socks if one doubts having taken them off

    If I want to wipe over my socks for ablution and I do not remember whether I have taken them off and then put them back on, should I take my socks off and perform ablution to be on the safe side, or should I apply the rule that says that 'doubt does not break certainty'? And if we are allowed to apply this rule, what do we apply it to, and how do we.. More

  • Rulings related to ablution of one suffering incontinence

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. I had asked the following question and was given a link; I read it, praise be to Allaah, but I still feel the need of it being answered. Please, if you can do so, Shaykh. Here it is: I suffer from wind passing illness; hence, I renew my ablution after once the time for prayer begins. I read.. More

  • Discharge of Wadi does not require Ghusl

    Assalaamu alaykum. I want to know if the Wadiyy (thick, white secretion that comes out after urinating)) concerns only the man or also the woman, because after urinating, a thick, viscous liquid comes out sometimes.I do not know if I am in a state of major impurity then, and I read that Wadiyy concerns men only. Is that true? So should I perfrom Ghusl.. More

  • Purification from ‘groinal response’ not caused by arousal

    Assalaamu alaykom. I am an unmarried girl who suffers from intrusive thoughts. Meaning that I sometimes have unwanted thoughts of terrible scenarios which are difficult to stop and make me doubt everything. Some of these intrusive thoughts are of sexual nature, and I find them terrifying and painful. However, I sometimes experience discharge when having.. More

  • Performing ablution before prayer time while suffering incontinence

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. I am in need of an answer to my question, No. 2666228. I did mention that I combine the Maghrib and the ‘Ishaa’ prayers, but my question is actually about performing the ablution one-and-a-half hour before the azan of the Maghrib during Ramadan and one-and-a-half hour before the azan of.. More

  • Discharging liquid after urinating

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question about liquid coming out after urine. Most of the time, after I urinate, a thin, clear liquid comes out. I know that it is not Wadi since it is not thick, and I think that it is not madhi since I am not aroused. Whenever this liquid comes out, I wash my private parts. The problem, however, is that it keeps coming.. More

  • Residual detergent after washing urine-stained clothes

    If I wash impure urine-stained clothes in a washing machine and some residue of the detergent remains in the machine after washing and I wash them again without detergent but the residue still appears and remains even after the second washing, are the clothes pure? .. More

  • Suffering continuous release of Maniyy

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a problem regarding the release of Maniyy (ejaculate), my problem is that I get scared that I will release Maniyy, and if I do not want to think anything sexual, my mind gets obsessed with it. The more I get scared, the more obsessed I become. If I look at a man without even thinking in a wrong way about him, I discharge Maniyy... More

  • Excessive use of water in taking bath

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am very fond of taking long hot showers, be it for the ritual bath or as a regular bath. I take long time to finish it and I enjoy it. It helps me relax and has many other benefits for me. On the other hand, Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, discouraged excessive use of water even for ablution. Does this mean that.. More

  • Following Hanafi school regarding pardoned amount of impurity

    Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. My question is that according to the Hanafi school, if the Najasat (impurity: menstruation, urine, and so on) is equal to one dirham, then it can be ignored/tolerated, so can I follow this opinion? I have a problem of Waswasah (devilish whispering) or OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) regarding purity, so I think that it.. More