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583 fatwas

  • Intention determines permissibility of statements

    Assalaamu alaykum. What is the ruling on making generalized statements such as, “I dislike running,” or, “I love meat.” I am asking because running can be from the Sunnah and meat can be pork. .. More

  • Lying about age to secure job to repay debts

    Assalaamu alaykum. There is this job online where you get paid money to test websites, but you have to be 18 years old to be able to test them, and I am only 16. If I lie about my age and start doing these tests, does that make the money that I would earn haram? The reason I want to do this job is because my family owes a 30,000 dollor debt and I was.. More

  • Difference between major and minor sins

    Assalaamu alaykum. What are the major and minor sins? .. More

  • Backbiting Muslims in front of non-Muslims

    What is the ruling of those who backbite, speak ill of, or make fun of Muslims in front of non-Muslims? Are they considered from those who fight against Muslims in alliance with non-Muslims? .. More

  • Exam proctor gave students correct answers

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please help me with the following question. May Allaah bless u, ameen. I did a security course several months back in order to get a security badge. At the time, I was receiving a weekly allowance from the government until I would get a job, (I still am) and the course was paid for by benefits, not the benefits that they give me as.. More

  • Indirect unintentional help to commit sin is of no consequence

    Assalaamu alaykum dear Sir. Is it halal to sell tailoring materials when I am sure that many of those who buy them will use my products for the following: 1. To stitch shirts for men (which I think is halal), 2. To stitch normal garments and abayas for women (which I also think is halal), 3. To stitch churidars (a dress usually worn by non-Muslims.. More

  • Teacher calling student 'donkey' for answering question incorrectly

    Assalaamu alaykum. If a student gives a wrong answer when his teacher asks him a question (about say Chemistry), then is the teacher sinful if he calls the student ''a donkey'' (for giving a somewhat stupid and erroneous answer)? .. More

  • Lying about abusing someone else's borrowed belongings

    Assalaamu alayku. While trying to move my laptop, I dropped it and my father heard the noise. However, I told him that it was something else (the charger); also, when one of my sibling opened the door to check what was that noise, I tried to conceal it from her. I lied to my father and my sibling out of fear because they would yell at me, and my sibling.. More

  • Questions about Gheebah

    Assalaamu alaykum, my question is with regards gheebah(backbiting): A. If I narrate a story for sympathy or with sorrow, but not to belittle, is this considered gheebah ifit may shed bad light on someone? B. Alternatively, if I narrate the same story, but without mentioning names, is this gheebah? Ideally, we would not need to ask, but due to.. More

  • Receiving prize as result of lying about one's achievements

    Assalaamu alaykum. This is an urgent inquiry, I need the answer within 24 hours as the graduating ceremony is on Thursday! Once, I took part in a science fair, but a fellow student lied about an aspect of one of our projects, saying a thing that we did not do to one of the visitors, he did this to impress the visitor and to get votes. The certificates.. More

  • How to treat addiction to pornography

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please, I have a friend who 23 years old. He has been afflicted with watching pornography. He has been turning to Allaah with cries, but afterwards, he went back each time. Because of this, he thought that the only way out is to get married although he is in school and does not have enough income. Unfortunately, the family said that.. More

  • Calling a club or Youtube channel ‘as-Saabiqoon’ or the like

    Is it allowed to give clubs and the like (or other things such as Youtube channels) names of what you aspire to be without claiming it for yourself, for example, a group of people striving to become from the sabiqun call their club name as-sabiqun; would this go under claiming good for yourself even if those people do not believe that they are such.. More

  • Getting a job by violating the conditions of applying for it

    I have applied for a job through the internet. The recruitment process starts by applying with your email and some other personal data. I failed at the middle of the recruitment process. To apply for the same job using the same profile, you have to wait at least six months. I have applied again with another email address in a period that is less than.. More

  • Money earned through violating state laws

    Dear Shaykh, I run a transporting business in Qatar. There is a rule here that says that flat bed trailers should only load up to a maximum of 26 ton. If the authorities catch the trailer with extra weight, then a fine of Qr 3000 is charged. I load overweight cargos and get an extra Qr 500 for each load. My trailer can load heavy duty cargos up to the.. More

  • Minor sins should not be taken lightly

    Shaykh, my question is the following: Allaah says in the Quran, in Surah An-Nisa, ayah 31: {If you avoid the major sins which you are forbidden, We will remove from you your lesser sins and admit you to a noble entrance [into Paradise].} So is there any value of minor sins in islam? And my second question is about the fact that Imam Ath-Thahabi wrote.. More