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85 fatwas

  • Paying Zakah on wealth

    According to the Hadith, Zakah is paid on money/wealth that one has had for a year. I do not have money/wealth that sits for a year without adding to it or removing from it. How do I go about paying Zakah?.. More

  • Zakah on diamonds

    Must Zakah be paid on diamonds etc.?.. More

  • Gold and Silver in calculating Nisab for Zakah

    Do we use gold or silver in calculating nisab of Zakat? What is the NISAAB in grams. Kindly show how the figure is deduced from first principle... More

  • Paying Zakaah from Bank Account Mixing Salaries, Deposits, Expense Funds

    In EU money is deposited in the bank and the salaries usually go to the bank straight away which means savings and salaries are mixed. This means it is very hard to keep track of the period for each amount, since in practice we use the same account to withdraw for daily expenses. So every Ramadan, I see how much in the bank and I pay 2.5% for Zakah... More

  • Paying Zakaah on Pension

    I would like your advice on the following: I am retired so do I have to pay Zakah from my savings despite the fact that I have no other source of income? Do I have to pay Zakah from my small monthly pension? Does my wife has to pay from her monthly share? .. More

  • Zakaah on Gold Jewelry

    I spend my Saddaq (Mahr) which was ( 3200) on buying some pieces of gold about (300g) and to be honest when I bought the gold jewelry about three and half years ago I intended to keep the gold and to buy a house or something like that in the future. I am living in Australia in the present, so do I have to pay Zakah for these gold pieces? I have not.. More

  • Calculating Zakah

    I asked for a formula to calculate Zakah for monthly increasing amounts. You asked to refer to question 1113. Please help in calculating the Zakah for the following amounts in United Arab Dirhams. 03/1999 8160, 04/1999 19360, 05/1999 35160, 06/1999 52820, 07/1999 39941, 08/1999 56805, 09/2000 47038, 10/1999 62655, 11/1999 57587, 12/1999 20207, 01/2000.. More

  • Adding gold and silver together for Zakah

    1. If a man has silver 200 grams and gold 80 grams, neither silver nor gold reaches its minimum nisab value. Will he be obligated to pay Zakat after one year? 2. A man has silver 10 grams and gold 20 grams. If he calculates the worth of 20 grams of gold and adds this value to the worth of 10 grams of silver, it exceeds the worth of 595 grams of silver.. More

  • Paying Zakah on sale of small business

    I started a small business for one year. After one year there was an amount of (2700) Dirhams in the bank. I cancelled the buisness and sold all furniture and equipment. I didn't sell that on cash but rather on many payments. After another year there was an amount of 47000 Dirhams in the bank. The question is: Do I need to pay the ZAKAT for one year.. More

  • Paying Zakah

    My Question is regarding Zakah: 1) For example, let 1200 dollarsbe the minimum amount which makes one eligible to pay zakah. Should a person pay zakah on it as soon as it reaches that amount? 2) Assuming he has paid zakah on the minimum amount and after a few months he reaches that amount again, should he pay zakah again or is it sufficient for him.. More