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905 fatwas

  • Refusing to take compensation for damaged belongings

    Assalaamu alaykum. Suppose that I have damaged my friend's property. I intend to compensate the damage with money, but my friend refused it and told me that it is okay. Do I have to do anything? Thank you, may Allaah bless you. .. More

  • Working as accountant in French Council of State

    Assalaamu alaykum. I work as a civil servant for the french Council of State. I am an accountant responsible for the salaries of employees working in administrative courts. These employees do not judge, but they participate in the functioning of the administrative justice. This justice in France is not based on the Islamic law, so I think that my job.. More

  • Working in company that fabricates condoms

    Can I work for a company (in the government sector) that fabricates condoms? .. More

  • Approving licenses for places where sins are committed

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am a Transportation Engineer for a Canadian city. Applications are submitted to a big group, say Zoning Bylaw Review, and they circulate the application to various sections like Transportation, Drainage, Hydro, Water... Given that I am in the Transportation Section, I review the applications from a transportation perspective. For.. More

  • Teaching in mixed school where girls do not wear hijab

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am an English language teacher. I have both male and female students in my class. Some female students do not wear the hijab while some do wear it. There are also non-Muslim students. I am unable to impose a dress code as the present situation of our country makes it unsafe to create an Islamic environment. Is it permissible for.. More

  • Downloading PDF files that might be copyrighted

    Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. Please do not direct me to other fatwas since the question is unique. I am a university student, so I want to download PDF's so that I may use them to study for my exams. However, given that Islam protects the copyright, I fear that those PDF's are parts of books that have been uploaded, but I am not sure of that. So, Shaykh,.. More

  • Studying at institutions that use pirated software

    Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. I want to get training on some computer applications, but most of the computer institutions use pirated software to teach. Is it permissible to take lessons at these institutions? .. More

  • Impermissibility of keeping job that requires lying to customers

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Sheikh. I have a question regarding my husband's job. He is new to Saudi Arabia and used to work as a financial analyst in India. Now, after a year has passed, he finally got a job as a sales supervisor in a company. In this field, many employees are put under pressure in order to sell the products.. More

  • Making clothes with pictures of animate beings on them

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am a garment merchandiser. I am working for a knitwear company. Our job is to take orders from buyers and produce the garments following the buyer's indications or design. As most of the buyers are non-Muslims, they demand to put a picture of animate beings or the logo of their brand on the fabrics. I know that pictures of animate.. More

  • Joining pension plan that possibly invests funds in unlawful activities

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a choice of opting into a pension plan with a pension company. This provider takes the monthly payments made by my employer and invests it in funds. However, I have no idea of what these funds involve as it is not made clear. They potentially could include haram and unlawful activities involving interest and so on. (I did spot.. More

  • Copying expired versions of software to avoid violating copyright

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am a fresh engineering graduate from Bangladesh. In this country, we face a very difficult problem in the academia. That is the problem of copyright. All of the engineering software used in this country's universities is pirated. This software is necessary for working in engineering. Some of them have open source alternatives, but.. More

  • Sources of income of Muslim state

    Islam is against taxation systems, as it says in, then what are the sources of income of the government of an Islamic country? .. More

  • Working in photo editing and making TV advertisements

    Assalaamu alaykum. My interest is in making TV advertisements, photo editing, and animation, but I have not started any work on those things, so I just want to know whether they are permissible in Islam? .. More

  • Ruling on working under man-made laws

    Assalaamu alaikum. I wanted to know if it is haram to work in a government where one is required to review, exercise, and process applications or cases according to man-made laws (Immigration Law, Transportation Law, or Health Law). I am interested in working as a Citizenship & Immigration processing agent, where they identify cases of potential.. More

  • Pursuing career as actuary

    Can I pursue a career as an actuary? The degree is called actuarial science and involves a high amount of mathematical analysis, which predicts, as best as may be possible, future risks in financial investments. Some of the jobs available with this degree are in the insurance and banking sector as well as numerous other industry sectors such as pension,.. More