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773 fatwas

  • Removing Hijab because of pain on head

    Al Salam Alikom ... I'm a young girl who is wearing hijab for more than 10 years now since this time and my hair is falling that I become bold in some areas of my head, recently I started a therapy for my hair which is an injection in the head and this injection makes my head hurts a lot as it has some painful side effect, I can't put hijab for days.. More

  • There is no evidence that a woman has to cover her head when cooking

    assalam o alykum i have read somewhere that nabi saw went to some ones home and he did not meal their because the women of that house made meal without covering there head. so wanna ask this that is it sahih or daif. jezakkillah .. More

  • Modest dress without covering the hair is not Hijab

    Aoa, I was wondering that if a women does not take hijab but dresses very modestly and keeps her hair tied up and is very religious in other aspects,does that make her of those in the hadees mentioned of sinning openly,a mujahirin? .. More

  • Ruling on helping a non-Mahram woman in distress

    assalamu alaikum brother I would like to know if a muslim would be rewarded for good deeds done to a non mahram women. for example when I was studying I used to help a sister who was in a great deal of stress and I helped her with her studying, financially and general help weekly. this involved speaking to her etc and I would like to know if I would.. More

  • No harm in wearing Hijab in presence of women

    Assalamo'alaikum Warahmatullah!!! I am a teacher in an all girls international school in Saudi. I used to wear Tarha even if I'm with women, because I believe this is the safest way not to be seen my hair by any non-mahram. My Muslim arab coordinator wants me to remove it. According to her in Shari'a it's not necessary to wear hijab if you're with women... More

  • Swimming in a mixed pool

    My husband recently joined a club which provides all facilities including swimming, tennis, football etc, both with and without formal classes. Given that there is a lack and limited access to physical activity while staying in today's apartment complexes and also to teach our boys swimming which is a Sunnah, we've decided to use the club facilities... More

  • The definition of Jilbaab

    Assalamu Alaikum, I request you to present a reply to me personally instead of directing me to different fatwas for this curious question of mine, with regard to the 'jilbab'. Is it a particular kind of dress/head covering? Does any dress in any style but which fulfils the requirements of hijab become a 'jilbab'? Please define the 'jilbab' as mentioned.. More

  • She studies at a mixed school where she is not allowed to wear Hijab

    Aselam Aleykum. A sister is inshallah planning to become a gynecologist because there are very few female doctors to treat female patients. But the problem is that she goes to a female high-school where she's not allowed to wear the hijjab within the school compound and there are male teachers around. And if she changes this school which is known for.. More

  • Husband may not let male relatives stay at home with his wife

    I share a two room set with my sister, her baby and her husband. We both share the expenses. He wants to keep his sister's son at home who is a ghair mahram for my sister. he wants him to stay here for 10 days or more in the house of two rooms with a kitchen and lat-bathroom adjacent to the room where the non mahram would be living. the same kitchen.. More

  • Woman's voice is not 'Awrah but she has to speak modestly

    I am a revert to islam. This question is in two parts. Shortly after we married, my wife tripped over an uneven part of the pavement and fractured her knee. A particularly conservative lady phoned her to state that she would visit her that evening - provided that I was not home; thereby throwing me out of my own home when all I wanted to do is relax.. More

  • Ruling on wearing a face veil that uncovers the eyes

    As a revert I want to cover my face and eyes when unrelated men are around. How small should any eye slit (before eye screening veils are dropped) be? Is it correct that both upper and lower eye lashes are not visible in the slit? Is it ok to deliberately restrict my field and clarity of vision (as long as I "can still see the way" - but with difficulty)?.. More

  • A woman should not travel without a Mahram whether her travel is long or short

    As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. I have a question in regards traveling without mahram. I live in a part of the world where many women travel alone, and are raped, murdered and kidnapped on a regular basis. Despite this many Muslim women in this area travel alone, even those who have mahram to go with them. A sister recently argued.. More

  • Ruling on attending a school that bans Hijab

    I go to a an-all girls school where I'm not allowed to wear my hijjab. When I asked my parents to get me out, they refused saying that you'll face even more fitna learning in a mixed school. But I'm worried that I'll be sinning by not wearing the hijjab in front of my male teachers. Should I continue learning in that school? .. More

  • Specifications of the Islamic code of dress for women

    Asalam o Alaikum!!!! In Pakistan there is a trend of wearing shalwar kameez for women and for men also. But women also wear dupatta to cover her shoulders, chest and head. But from some years there is a change in trend in which women wear trousers(somehow they are named as trousers (but it is only change is shalwar design according to me) with other.. More

  • New Muslim would like to donate non-Hijabi clothes

    I have clothes that I no longer use. These clothes are less conservative because I wore them when I was not yet a Muslim i.e. they do not conform with the Islamic teachings of covering up. Do I donate these clothes or do I dispose them? .. More