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975 fatwas

  • The use of cosmetics in Islam

    Is the use of make-up (cosmetics) allowed in Islam?.. More

  • Eating beef and chicken slaughtered by the Finns

    Can we eat the meat slaughtered by the Finnish people (beef and chicken)? I have read in the book of Dr. Yusef Al-Qaradawi (al Halal & al Haram), that it is Halal, but I have heard from many others that it is Haram. How it can be while it is very clear in Holy Qur'an that the food of People of the Book is Halal? Could you please clarify?.. More

  • Frozen chicken from Brazil

    Is it permissible to eat the frozen chicken from Brazil that comes by the name "Saadia" even if it states it is slaughtered according to Islamic customs?.. More

  • Treatment for baldness

    I'm 27 years old and I suffer from baldness on the side of my head. Can I wear a wig or transplant from the back of my head to the front side? Please give advise with the Islamic view... More

  • Eating with Hindus or Eating Their Food

    Can we eat with Hindus or their food? .. More

  • Eating, drinking, “Yellow 5”

    I once received a forwarded e-mail from my friend which stated that: "Everything with yellow 5 is Haram"! The e-mail said that one Muslim brother who is doctor and his wife who is a chemist said Yellow 5 is Haram, after reading the ingredients of Mountain Dew because it had Yellow 5. Since then, I feared eating anything that had Yellow 5 on it such.. More

  • Adding water to Zam-Zam to increase it

    When people return from Hajj/Umrah they mix zam-zam water with normal water and give it to their guests. Is this allowed to increase the water? .. More

  • Use of human urine as a cure

    From Saheeh al-Bukhari we know that urine of camels may be used for curing the ill. May the urine of other animals (cows, sheep etc.) be used for curing? May human urine be used as a medicine as some doctors consider it beneficial for curing certain diseases (so-called urine therapy)? We need your Fatwa with evidence from great Muslim scholars.. More

  • Wearing a turban

    Explain wearing the turban on the head according to Sunnah and the practice of the companions of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)... More

  • Sacrificing chickens

    IfI have a farm of chickens andI want to sacrifice them Halal doI have to say Bismillah for each one, or can I say Bismillah for all at the beginning whenI sacrifice them? .. More

  • Genetically modified food

    I would like to ask whether there is any Fatwa regarding Genetically Modified Food (GMF). It is widely produce in US, but Europe is not accepting it for many reasons including that Europe believes GMF is dangerous for health. I read one article on genetically modified sheep; the sheep gene is modified using human gene! Such activity, I believe,.. More

  • Animal charms for bracelet

    I want to buy gold charms/pendants for a bracelet. Can I purchase animal charms? .. More

  • Sourdough starter smells like alcohol

    Is it permissible to use in baking or cooking something that is fermented and smells like alcohol? I recently made a sourdough starter for making bread and I'm not really sure if it's Islamicly approved to use something that smells so strongly of alcohol. I don't know if it will become alcoholic but any advice based on sound Ahadith will be appreciated... More

  • Punishment for excessive wine drinking

    Please let me know the kinds of punishments the sins that are committed, (e.g. what would be the punishment of a person who used to excessively drink wine?).. More

  • Keeping a Dog

    I have a question about keeping dogs. I first got my dog 2 years ago. However, I recently became a pious Muslims I pray 4-5 times a day fast voluntarily. Some other Muslims told me that by keeping a dog in my home or outside it angles will not come into or near the house. This disturbs me as I want to please Allah (Subhanna Wa'tahalla). However, my.. More