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1341 fatwas

  • Had an Abortion and Seeks Forgiveness

    I had an abortion during the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy and I want to know what I can do to have Allah forgive me. .. More

  • Expiation for Abortion

    I had an abortion when I was in the 3rd month. Tell me what I can do for God to forgive to me (fast, paying money to poor people....). Advise me. .. More

  • To abort or not

    I have a very sensitive query on behalf of a very dear friend who is currently in a dire dilemma and is frantic with worry over the situation, and I am extremely concerned for not only her well being but her mental state, with due regard to her previous experience. This sister is married with 6 children Masha-Allah, but during her last pregnancy just.. More

  • Sends Man Islamic Material Via Internet

    Thank you very much for this great site, Mashallah. I am 19-year-old girl. I met a guy on the Internet three years ago, and I loved him very much. Later on this year I read many articles and problems related to this relationship and found out its Haram. Since my religion comes before the guy I love, I decided to stop talking to him, first for my religion,.. More

  • Wants to Marry through the Internet

    I met a person by Internet who wants to marry me. He has been living in US and has committed fornication. I have committed sin by thinking about sex; although I try hard I sin in my mind. It is for the reason that I want to get married soon. I do not talk to him about sex, its nothing of the sort. It is said in Qur'an that "for the adulter is the adulteress"... More

  • Female tongue piercing

    Is it Haram for a female to have tongue piercing?.. More

  • Marriage through the Internet

    Whats your opinion of a married Muslim man who decides to take a second wife whom he met through Internet and she is agreed to accept Islam and live with him without causing any harm to his first wife? .. More

  • Dancing to songs that contain the Prophet's name, etc.

    Is it permissible dance to songs that contain the Prophet's (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) name and other things like: "Salla Allah A'ala $Muhammad$$. Salla Allah Alaihi Wa Sallam". Songs also that includes the Names of Allah?.. More

  • Cure for infertility

    I'd like knowing which possible ways has a woman in my situation. I'm 32, and married 9 years. We have no children and there's no medical solution for my husband. We have gone to the best specialists. Our relationship is worst day-by-day. I know in Islam is only allowed using technology for pregnancy if you use the original cells from couple, from.. More

  • Joining an Aerobics Class with A Male Teacher

    I am a woman 42 years old. Can I join an aerobics course for a group of women with a male teacher? He is the teacher and the only man in the aerobic course. Is it forbidden? Can I join without any problem? .. More

  • Impregnated a Woman Through Zina and She Wants an Abortion

    I'm living with a woman without marriage and she is pregnant now. What can I do to be close to God again and she wants to have an operation because she doesn't want the child. How can I solve this problem? .. More

  • Urgent surgery requested

    Please refer to question 61150. This is an urgent matter. Please respond as quickly as possible. I am a sick person who has tried and tried to lose weight. I have been trying for years and have been under a doctor's care. I am suffering with high cholesterol and have a family history of diabetes and heart disease. I have been approved for gastric.. More

  • Banding the stomach to lose weight

    Is getting the stomach banded to help lose weight acceptable? This procedure involves placing a band around the stomach. It does not change the stomach and can be removed easily... More

  • Blood Testing for HIV/AIDS

    Here in Africa we have a project called Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) for HIV/AIDS, in which citizens are encourage to learn their status through blood testing.Please give me the Fatwa regarding:(i) One decision to check his/her status regarding HIV/AIDS.(ii) Imams/Sheikhs are permissible to advocate to their believers for testing.(iii) If.. More

  • Playing the guitar for self satisfaction

    If I want to play guitar just for me because I like it, is it Haram or Halal?.. More