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1341 fatwas

  • Need to understand Arabic language to understand the Qur'an

    I am a born Muslim. But due to our secular education system, the government does not emphasize a seeking knowledge of Islam. Subjects such as learning Arabic is not emphasised. As a result we grow up as mediocre Muslims who are not well-versed in the language of al-Qur'an. What a pity. What is the ruling on a Muslim who prays but does not understand.. More

  • Efforts to overcome impotence

    I am from Malaysia. Here, there are lots of advertisements even by Muslims that offer "traditional massage". Among the claimed benefits of these massages are: 1) To overcome the problems of inability to erect (impotence). 2) For enlargement of the penis, etc. The process involve the "massager-other people" to massage our private parts to ease the.. More

  • Video Games

    Is playing video games like foot ball games allowed or not? The players look like the real ones. .. More

  • Play Station Games

    I want to ask about play station games like foot ball games. Is it allowed in Islam? The players, as you know, are like the real ones. .. More

  • Discovering fetus gender

    I am expecting to have my first child soon, in about 6 months. I would like to know, if its ok for me to know whether my baby is a boy or girl?.. More

  • Suffering from mental illness

    If a person has a mental illness that prevents him from getting a job or from continuing his education, can he stay at home till they feel better? Or does he have to face his fears and put his trust and faith in Allah?.. More

  • Internet cafe with shadow pictures on door

    I have an Internet Cafe. The front door has some shadow pictures on it. Is it "Haram" or not? .. More

  • Medically enlarging the breasts

    I want to know what Shariah says in using medicament that can give volume to the breast of the women, especially if a women has a small one and suffer because of it in front of their family (sister and cousins) and for her future with her potential husband? The doctors say that it helps without any problem... More

  • Reading Romantic Stories

    Is it permissible to read stories that have a romantic/sex aspect in it, meaning that there are descriptions of intimate feelings and touches? .. More

  • Ovum transplantation

    What is the ruling on implantation of fertilized foreign ovum (egg) in a uterus of a woman for which her husband gave the sperm?.. More

  • Mouthwash with 27% Alcohol

    I just want to know if I can wash my mouth with antiseptic, which contains about 27% alcohol? .. More

  • Being Islamic/being Muslim

    I would like to know what is difference between being Islamic and being Muslim? Some people say some people are Islamic but not Muslim and some are Muslim but not Islamic... More

  • Enlarging the penis by massage

    I am confused about penile enlargement by way of massage. Is this also considered as changing Allah's Creation if I do this massage? This exercise is very popular as found at websites. This is not surgery... More

  • Wants treatment for facial hair

    I read on another Islamic sitethat in Islam women are allowed to pluck or wax the hair on their upper lip and chin but not on the rest of their face. Is this true that women are not allowed to wax, pluck or thread their facial hair? What if the women have a lot of hair on their face similar to a man and it is very embarrassing for them to be around.. More

  • Wants to have abortion due to finances

    What is the ruling for abortion after 30 day of pregnancy, the women has 2 small babies, one 16 months, other 4 months? If she has third baby, her husband may lose his job in an European country because the salary is not enough for a five-person family. .. More