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2837 fatwas

  • Everything works according Allah's Decree and Will

    I was touched by sihr (impossible to marry). I've been treated by a fiqh. At the end of his treatment,he asked me to give him my ring. He did something with it, it will protect me against other spells. Is it haraam to wear this ring? Are my salaat and dou'as accepted? What should I do with my ring? Throw it, burn it,or pay no attention to it...? By.. More

  • Those who are on the straight path

    Which group is going on right way Berailwy, Deobandi, Tablighi, Wahabi, Najdi, Sunny, Sheaa, etc.. More

  • Hold Fast to the Covenant of Allah to Face Difficulties of Life

    I have two different questions that seem very important to me. 1 - I got a diploma of management a year ago. While I was in the exam of the third year one of my classmates asked me to show her how to answer some questions and I did ; I have also took an answer from her. Now, I really regret what I did. I feel that I don't have the right to use the diploma... More

  • Allah's Messengers and Prophets

    Dear Brother As Salamu Alaikum I have some confusion regarding messengers of Allah (SWT). As I know before that, so many messenger came and the first one was Adam (AS) and the last one is Muhammad (S). But, recently I read in one Islamic book that first messenger was Nuh (AS). Then what was the position of Adam (AS). And can you inform me exactly how.. More

  • Evil generates evil

    I have a very severe problem I loved someone we were very happy together. After a period a person from my family wanted to be engaged with me. I could not decide what to do, especially that my family agreed his proposal. So, after a period of stress and problems I went to some one (a magician) and I asked him if this engagement will succeed or not... More

  • Matters that reduce Rizq (livelihood)

    I have received an email which lists the THINGS THAT REDUCE "RIZQ". Are these THINGS based on Islamic concepts? Is there any supporting Sahi Hadith for any of these? I am listing only few of these THINGS below:_______________________________Rabbi ighfir wa anta khairu-raahimeenRabbana baark lanaa fee maa a'ataana, wa anta khiru-raaziqeenTHINGS THAT.. More

  • Need and Help Should be Sought from Allah Alone

    Q1)Is bowing before graves of Islamic Saints permissiable in Islam? Please provide references from Holy Quran & Hadiths.Q2) Is it OK to pray for Dua before a saint's grave. Or Can we ask Saints at their graves to ask Allah to pray for us or ask them to ask Allah (SWT) to forgive us? Reference from Holy Quran & Hadith is preferred. .. More

  • Do the Prophets commit sins?

    I want to ask about the Prophet (alanbia:as mohamed, loot,) not under the sin effect. I read about (each of adams sons is a sinner)... More

  • Every Dead Person Will Be Questioned after Death

    When a person dies just after burial questioning takes place in the graveyard by the angles. When a person's burial takes place after two or three days or when a person died in an accident and the body is not found how and where does questioning take place? Where is the person's soul kept in that period? .. More

  • Satan Does Not Worship Allah

    If all jinns and humans are ordered to worship Allah SWT then does Shahiatan(devil) also worship Allah? Please answer in the light of Quranic text? .. More

  • The Prophet Muhammed's rank among Prophets

    Is it true that the Allah made the whole creation because of his love towards the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him.).. More

  • Belief in the Day of Judgement

    Can you explain to me the Muslim faith in the Day of Judgement? .. More

  • Can a dead person hear?

    Can a dead person hear? Please explain to me light of evidence mention Qur'an and Hadith.{Verily you cannot make the dead hear and you cannot make the deaf hear the call when they turn their backs and retreat} [27:80]. {The living and the dead are not alike. Allah makes whoever he wishes hear, but you cannot make those in the graves hear} [35:22].The.. More

  • Definition of Shirk

    What is Shirk, and what are some examples of a person engaging in it?.. More

  • Why don't Angels protect us from Satan?

    "For each [person] there are angels in succession, before and behind him, they guard him by the Command of Allah" [13: 11]. As I think Angels are more powerful than Shaitan then why Angels are not protecting us from Shaitan (Satan) who always try to keep us on the wrong path... More