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441 fatwas

  • Her husband asks her for money, beats her and has an affair

    ASLAAM ALIKUM my husband beat me up because he wanted money from me so i left him for 5 weeks and returned in feb(i was stayin in a bnb),he doesnt work,we were having an argument over money again and he told me that he has another women who he is going to marry,im the 2nd of his 2 wives,he told me that he has met up with her a few times and is waiting.. More

  • Her husband is a hypocrite and a gambler

    My husband pretends to be a good Muslim. We both teach at a Muslim school. I work hard and honestly, every day doing my best, every day questioning myself in the evening if I have done my best and if I have done the right thing by my students. I cannot explain how terribly painful it is to live with a hypocrite. Though my husband can teach well,.. More

  • How to deal with an irresponsible and neglectful husband

    Assalaimalaikm, Im a married muslim,age 23. we got married almost 2yrs husband is also a muslim.. During past 2 yrs i have come to know my husband is really irresponsible..he takes the easy way out.. we r both studying in abroad away from my family n husbands priority are internet,footabll, friends & swimming..even when i want.. More

  • Establishing relationships with women on the pretext of seeking a wife

    Alhamdulillah we have been a happy couple for 12 years.A while ago his behavior changed.He started seeking friendship and flirting outside marriage.When I asked if he wants to take a second wife,he said no.First he denied having any contacts with other women.Then he was sorry and told me he will stop doing it.after some time he was doing it again and.. More

  • Denies her husband sex because he does not pray regularly

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu, I have an issue with my husband. I am myself new converted, makes 8 years now, alhamdullah. We have 2 boys, 6 and 3 years old. I have done all possible, taht kids know how to pray, know Quran (oldest son knows allready 4 Surat from Quran and reads every evening before sleeping Ruqia). My husband I not.. More

  • His sister wants divorce from her abusive husband

    Dear Sir, My sister get’s married on last 8 months before. Her husband was working in dubai , he is handsome and from a good family. Before marriage his family promised that he can arrange family visa and bring his wife to dubai.After marriage 2 month he stayed with sister and gone back.As his family promised he can bring my sister within 3 months.. More

  • Loves another man and wants to end an abusive marriage

    A friend of mine wants some advice. She hasnt been getting along with her husband for some time and he has been neglecting her. He treats her bad in that he swears and doesnt support her. he beats their kids really badly, he doesnt teach them about Islam, she has told him to change his ways so many times and he has admitted he was in the wrong and that.. More

  • Her husband cheats on her

    my husband cheating on me and tallks with another woman on the internet and took photos and vedios for him self naked for his private parts front and back, and video while mastrbating and e mailed it to her, from the e mails to this woman and her replay, I also found out that they were doing the act over the phone while he speaks to her dirty language... More

  • Her husband is a womanizer and a liar

    My husband and I fight all the time over the fact that he is a womanizer and a liar. He always feel the need to be wanted, I have caught him several times and forgave him because he says nothing happened. Over the past I have always said for us to go our separate ways, or ask him to divorce me, he never stated the words I divorce you but once, and I.. More

  • Feels unhappy with her husband and loves another man

    I am a married woman and i have one boy. I had so many problems with my husband. Those problems were mainly mental and verbal abuse, his ignoring me in bed, and lack of communication. To my culture's view, these are not valid or strong reasons for divorce so when i asked for it, many people tried to get us back together and telling me that he is not.. More

  • He repented but his wife does not want to come home

    Salamu aleikum My wife left me since a month and went back to her parents and wanted to divorce me because i was a bad husband. I didn't do my prayers, didn't spent enough time with her. Over the last weeks things have changed. I started praying again and everytime i ask forgiveness to Allah because i know i did wrong towards Him and my wife. My.. More

  • Her abusive husband preferred his relatives over her and his children

    asallamolaikum, i was a new revert at the time i got married. when i got married my husband was an illegal here in the states. i was never given a dowry. not even offered one. i was never given a wedding, honeymoon, when we married it was in city hall. i also didnt have a maharam (guardien). when i married my husband i later found out that he was.. More

  • Her parents forbid her from traveling to join her husband

    Here it goes, I was married in Nov 06. Right now my husband and I are not together, still married though. When we had gotten married it was against parents wishes, to make that part of the story short my family forgave us and everything was ok, for the time being, but soon after our marriage things began to fall apart, see I got pregnant and my.. More

  • Her husband wants to harm her financially and marry another wife

    Assalamu Alaykum, I am a pious Muslim woman of age 38 years. My husband and I have been married for 18 years and have 2 children. My husband put himself on a Muslim Matrimonial website and has been chatting with several women & promising them marriage. He sends his picture & they send him theirs. He also chats with them with web camera. I have told.. More

  • Her husband receives Islamic SMS messages from another woman

    salam alikom ,Before marriage my hus was in love for 7 yrs with one girl but then her parents refused,,later on asked for my hand he told me all the story .After one year i had a feeling he was still in contact with her i asked him several times he denied i happened to find her num,n found it on his fon with a different name so i wont know ,we had a.. More