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Once, I was very depressed and was always very afraid about divorce taking place due to a threat of my husband. I suffered constant Waswaas (obsessive doubts) and feared going near my husband due to the suspicion that we might have been divorced although we were not and these were merely doubts. My husband, however, could not bear my situation. He wanted.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I am writing to ask for a clarification about divorce. My husband and I were happily married, but he was quick to turn to anger in fights. One month into our marriage, during an argument, he said “I divorce you” in anger and without intent. He even forgot that he had said it almost right after. He did not verbally take me back,.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question regarding divorce. A man said to his wife, "You are Taaliq." She told him, "I am having my menses." He said, "You are Taaliq after your menses." Is this considered one divorce or two? May Allah reward you.
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My question is regarding words of divorce said by the wife to her husband. During my marriage, neither I nor my father put forth any conditions. During the verbal marriage proposal and acceptance, nothing was said about my right to divorce. Afterwards, when my husband was told to sign the marriage registration form, he read it in full. One thing caught.. More
I have divorced my wife a total of 4 times; there are two divorces regarding which I want to know whether they count or not.
1) My wife called me and said that she had called the police on me; I had a panick attack and almost a nervous breakdown. I was panicking and looking out of the window when I heard sirens. I was crying and really upset, and.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. During a quarrel, a husband said to his wife, "If you are not satisfied, you may take the decision." Does the husband have any right to say that? Has the husband given any right by saying it? Please answer the question according to the Hanafi Fiqh.
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Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question regarding metaphorical divorce. I read that the terms “speak to your parents" and “I think you are better off without me" during an argument are metaphors for divorce. However, I am confused as to how theycan be considered metaphors of divorce when no statement of seperation has been made such as “leave”.. More
Shaykh, what if he only said, "Yes, it is that," or just, "Yes," or "Ok," when I said, "I am considering this a divorce," and, "This is a divorce"? In the argument, I also said, "Is this a divorce?" and, "I am considering this a divorce." (I am not sure about "is this a divorce?") He said, "Yes, it is that." When he again said, "Go," I called his name.. More
I divorced my wife in anger at home, and we had sexual intercourse the same night. About a week later, we decided to do that divorce in court in order to avoid the punishments of divorcing at home, because in our country if a divorce takes place outside the court, there are several punishments. Therefore, we decided go to court and do the divorce in.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. My wife and I were not staying together due to a family fight. She did not come back to my house and has been staying at her father's house for the last eight months. We have one daughter who is four years old. I sent her a divorce notice through the court. In that notice, my lawyer falsely mentioned that I have given her three divorces.. More
Salaam Shaykh. I would like to first thank you for the excellent service which you provide, and you have really benefitted me .I have an important question which I need clarification on in detail, please. The issue of the husband giving the wife the authority to divorce herself is slightly confusing me. I read through these following fataawa and have.. More
Can a person give one divorce in fractions, like, for example, by giving one divorce and half of a second divorce? My understanding is that you give one, two, or three divorces and there is no such thing as half a divorce. Please answer.
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Assalaamu alaykum. Please tell me, what if a man sent a written message to her wife and wrote, "I divorce you by a Khul’." but some conditions of the Khul’ were missing, so it is not a khul? My question is whether a divorce takes place anyway because he wrote the word, "I divorce you" or whether it does not take no effect and they remain married.. More
Dear Brother/Sister, Assalaamu alaykum. Can you please help me to understand whether the following statement can affect the wedding: an angry husband who tells his wife, "You are destroying your own house." Thank you, and regards.
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My husband suffers from an erectile dysfunction; we have never been able to consummate this marriage. Due to some differences which arose, he sent me a divorce deed from Pakistan which said that he is declaring a triple divorce and then it said that he divorces me in three separate lines. If I want to get back together with him, is Halalah (wife marrying.. More
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