There are 304 articles

  • 'Leadership' let down Palestinians

    The position of the Palestinian Authority (PA) mission in Geneva regarding the findings of the UN's Goldstone report on crimes during Israel's war on Gaza earlier this year was rather surprising - even by the norms put in place when it was established in Ramallah following the 1993 Oslo Accords. On October 2, the PA supported postponing the vote on.. More

  • Kenya drought 'has spared no one'

    In Takaba town in north east Kenya, a crowd of people gather around a camel. The so-called ship of the desert has been weakened by drought and can barely move. When this happens, it takes an entire village to put it back on its feet. Despite their best efforts the villagers are unable to lift the camel. After two hours of huffing and puffing, they.. More

  • 'Israel has to be held accountable'

    The postponement of the UN Human Rights Council vote on the findings of Richard Goldstone's report into Israel's recent 22-day war on Gaza has raised many questions. Sahar Francis, a Palestinian Israeli and a human rights lawyer who testified before the UN fact finding mission led by Goldstone, spoke to Al Jazeera about the move and its fallout. Al.. More

  • Rabbis involved in organ sales

    At the end of July when 10 people, among them several rabbis, were arrested in New Jersey, USA, it was assumed that this was little more than a case of tax fraud by another charity. Charities often run foul of the law by failing, quite innocently, of fulfilling their legal obligations. But the New Jersey arrests pointed to something much bigger. There.. More

  • World food aid at 20-year low, 1 billion hungry

    Food aid is at a 20-year low despite the number of critically hungry people soaring this year to its highest level ever, the United Nations relief agency said Wednesday. The number of hungry people will pass 1 billion this year for the first time, the U.N. World Food Program (WFP) said, adding that it is facing a serious budget shortfall. To date.. More

  • Quds Day rally in Britain demands justice for murdered Gazan kids

    A rally in Britain called on Sunday for an end to Israeli "occupation" and demanded justice for "killers of Gaza children" in a Quds Day gathering thousands of British demonstrators joined despite an attempt of fascist groups to disrupt the peaceful rally, British newspapers said. Annual Al-Quds Day demonstration in Central London.. More

  • CIA resists disclosure of records on detention

    The Central Intelligence Agency is refusing to make public hundreds of pages of internal documents about the agency's defunct detention and interrogation program, saying such disclosures would jeopardize national security by revealing classified intelligence sources and operations. The C.I.A.'s argument to withhold the material, laid out Monday in.. More

  • CIA prisoners faced chilling interrogation methods

    The first detailed picture of how so-called high value detainees spent their days inside secret Central Intelligence Agency-run prisons overseas has emerged in dozens of previously classified documents released this week. And the picture is chilling. A detainee could be forced to stand, almost naked, handcuffed, going days without sleep, and if that.. More

  • Destroyed Swat force displaced Pakistanis to stay in camp in Ramadan

    As the Muslim month of Ramadan begins, tens of thousands of Pakistanis forced to flee their homes by government offensive against the Taliban will have no choice but to languish in camps or host families over the month of fasting. About 3 million people were forced from their homes by fighting in the northwest, most after government forces launched.. More

  • 100.000 Yemenis fleeing from clashes need aid: UN

    More than 100,000 people in Yemen, many of them children, have fled their homes during a recent surge in fighting between the government and Houthi insurgents, a U.N. agency said on Friday. The children's agency UNICEF and other U.N. aid bodies expressed serious concern about what they called a deteriorating situation in the north of the country and.. More

  • Blackwater still armed in Iraq

    Despite the Iraqi government's announcement earlier this year that it had canceled Blackwater's operating license, the US State Department continues to allow Blackwater operatives in Iraq to remain armed. A State Department official told The Nation that Blackwater (which recently renamed itself Xe Services) is now operating in Iraq under the name "US.. More

  • UN says 50 million women in Asia risk HIV

    An estimated 50 million women in Asia are at risk of becoming infected with the HIV virus from their husbands or other partners, according to a U.N. report published Tuesday. The report produced by the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS, known as UNAIDS, and its partner organizations said the HIV epidemics in Asia vary between countries but are.. More

  • Palestinians use their own goods, fight dependence to Israel

    At Garden's grocery store in Ramallah, Dalia al-Khatib hands out fliers and showcases Palestinian goods for Intajuna ("Our Products"), one of many campaigns asking Palestinians to avoid Israeli products. But across town, an all-Palestinian crew of laborers heads home after a day of work on the nearby Jewish settlement of Adam, like some.. More

  • Uighur leader says 10,000 went missing in one night

    The exiled leader of China's Uighurs said nearly 10,000 of her people were detained or killed last month in ethnic unrest and appealed for the United Nations to investigate their fate. Rebiya Kadeer, the US-based head of the World Uighur Congress, also said she was "perplexed" at the muted US response to the violence as she spoke during a.. More

  • Migrants to Italy face 'a kind of slavery'

    Thousands of migrants are being lured to Italy with false promises of work and forced to live in conditions akin to slavery, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said Tuesday. In a study of a migrant camp near the town of San Nicola Varco, 100 km (63 miles) south of Naples, IOM officials found some 1,200 migrants squatting in abandoned.. More

Hajj virtues