There are 304 articles

  • Facebook removes Hamas fan page

    The networking Web site Facebook removed a fan page dedicated to supporters of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, London-based Arabic newspaper Al-Hayat reported on Sunday. The report published Sunday, said the Web page titled "Commander Haniyeh" had more than 10,000 friends when it was removed without any explanation. The Palestinian Maan news.. More

  • The Bush administration's cover-up of the Dasht-e-Leili massacre

    A new administration is in the White House. And the prison at Guantanamo Bay will soon be closed. But the investigation into war crimes must not close with it. Guantanamo is neither the end nor the beginning of the story. The Bush Administration's blatant disregard for the rule of law goes back before Gitmo, before Abu Ghraib, and before the CIA "Black.. More

  • Once world's bread basket, Iraq now a farming basket case

    Once the cradle of agriculture for civilization, the Land Between Two Rivers - the Tigris and Euphrates - has become a basket case for its farmers. Naj Habeeb and his son, Mustafa, grow rice in a field along the Euphrates River in Iraq's Mishkab village. Just ask Naji Habeeb, 85. His family has been growing rice in this village 135 miles southeast.. More

  • Anti-Islamic attacks on the rise

    The murder of Marwa Sherbini, a veiled (and pregnant) Egyptian woman, as she prepared to give evidence in a German courtroom against a man who physically assaulted her, has incensed the Muslim World and re-ignited the debate over whether Europe is a truly tolerant society or one on the cusp of xenophobic extremism. Muslims say the attitudes which prevailed.. More

  • N Korea food aid at 'critical' low

    Millions of North Korean women and children are facing a critical shortage of food as aid supplies to the isolated communist nation dry up, the United Nations' food agency has warned. With sanctions against North Korea tightening and the North Korean government itself stepping up restrictions on aid groups, the World Food Program (WFP) says it.. More

  • 'Killing Arab civilians is Jewish way of war', says Rabbi

    Aleading Orthodox American Rabbi caused a huge row when he said the Jewish way of fighting a moral war was to kill civilians and destroys places of worship. Rabbi Manis Friedman of the Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies, Minnesota, was responding to questions by a Jewish American magazine as part of its ‘Ask the Rabbis’ feature, when.. More

  • The agony of Iraq's Palestinians

    In the past few years, the Palestinians' 61-year-old tragedy has been given a new dimension. The Palestinian refugees of Iraq, who became victims of persecution and violence before being chased from their Baghdad homes after the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, are among the world's most vulnerable communities. The tents of al-Waleed camp in the deserts.. More

  • UN: 'Wars displace record numbers'

    A record number of people were registered as forcibly displaced within their own country during 2008, the UN's refugee agency has said. Last year, 14.4 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) were registered as living under UN care, compared to 13.7 million the previous year, according to a UNHCR study published on Tuesday. The annual refugee.. More

  • Limiting a Palestinian state

    It was billed as a peace speech, but Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, echoed the words of a colonialist conqueror when he delivered his much-anticipated policy speech at Bar Illan University. Without ambiguity, he told the Palestinians that their existence and future hinges on their acquiescence - the relinquishing of their own history,.. More

  • Inside North Korea's labor camps

    It is estimated that 150,000-200,000 prisoners are detained in the camps, located in valleys in remote mountainous areas of the central and northern part of North Korea. Deeply secretive North Korea does not publish any details of the camps or the detainees held in them, but accounts from former inmates and guards who have defected paint a bleak.. More

  • Torture and justice, American style

    "I could see them, dragged naked along the concrete corridor," reported the 18-year-old boy. "Their skin was tearing off their bodies and the extreme pain showed on their faces. Electric shockers such as are used on livestock had first been used on them. I saw the burns on their arms and legs. Then ‘wrist-breakers' were used on.. More

  • 'Israelis may emigrate over nuclear threat'

    Almost a quarter of Israel's seven million citizens would consider leaving the country if Iran becomes a nuclear military power, according to a new poll. The poll also shows that over 40 per cent of Israelis believe that their military forces should strike Iran's nuclear installations without waiting to see whether US President Barack Obama's plans.. More

  • US detainee abuse 'unprecedented'

    A former US official has accused the administration of George Bush, the former president, of authorizing "unprecedented" acts of abuse during the interrogation of detainees. Phillip Zelikow told a US senate hearing on torture practices that the Bush administration was guilty of a "collective failure" over the interrogation of "war.. More

  • A year on, Myanmar cyclone survivors struggle to rebuild

    A year after Cyclone Nargis battered army-ruled Myanmar, killing nearly 140,000 people, paddy fields remain bare and tens of thousands of survivors live in makeshift shelters. "Everybody lives on food handouts and most of us don't have decent shelter or a job," Ba Thin, 72, said, pointing to the bamboo, thatch and tarpaulin huts lining the.. More

  • 'UN providing cover for racism'

    The United Nations is providing cover for Israeli racism say dozens of human rights workers and Fawzi Barhoum, a spokesperson for Hamas. The United Nations Conference against Racism in Geneva is being boycotted by the US, Israel, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands and Germany. That is “just in case” it deals with Israeli racism. But.. More

Hajj virtues