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2404 fatwas

  • Rules for women in Sujood

    I need to know the rules a woman should follow in performing the Salah while she is in Sujood: the positions of her hands, feet, and arms and please just relate Sahih Hadith to it... More

  • Time of Maghrib

    Can we pray Maghrib pray after finishing the time (1hour after Azan)?.. More

  • Times for Prayer

    One day I prayed Asr in my friend's home, and I performed the obligatory prayer before Sunnah, because if I pray Sunnah before the obligatory prayer, I'll be late for the obligatory prayer in Jamat in my friend's home. After we finished the obligatory prayer, I tried to pray Sunnah, but my friend told me that I can't pray Sunnah now because after ‘Asr.. More

  • Jumu'ah Prayer for Muslim Prisoners

    Is it permissible for brothers who are incarcerated to conduct Jumu'ah on Fridays? .. More

  • Praying in wrong direction of the Qiblah

    Our mosque is only one in our Russian town. It was built 100 years ago. We've tested and found that Mihrab direction differs from true Qiblah in about 30 degrees! We spoke about it to our Imam and then he said to everybody that someone wants to cause Fitnah and change the Qiblah, but "we've prayed in that direction for 100 years and we'll continue"... More

  • Earliest History of Prophet Muhammad’s Prayer

    When was first Salat with congregation was obligatory? In Makkah or Madina? In which Hijrah year? In time of Rasoolillah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) was any congregational prayer conducted without Azan and when? Is the Azan compulsory for congregational Salat? .. More

  • Disturbing thoughts while praying

    I suspect I have the HIV virus and I think that this was the reason that I started to pray. But now feel that there is hope for me yet. Sometimes when I pray bad thoughts come into my mind, I think of sex or of being out with the guys smoking Ganja, but I've stopped all that except Ganja. But still I have trouble forgetting about sex when I pray but.. More

  • Praying behind a deviant Imam

    There is only one mosque in our town in Russia. The imam has gone to Egypt to study and appointed a person as Imam who follows al-Sayeed Noorasi. He reads his books and spreads them. According the followers of al-Noorasi, he is the Scholar of the century and possesses the knowledge of the unseen given by al-Khidr. They read his books more than Qur'an.. More

  • Group of People Praying Together with One Sutrah

    What is the ruling on a group of people praying together, (not in Jamaah) in rows with just a Sutrah in front of the first row? Does each person need their own Sutrah, or does the one suffice? .. More

  • Prayer of Need

    Before knowing much about innovations, I used to perform the Salat al-Hajah. After reciting Surah al-Fatiha, I used to recite Surah al-Ikhlas and Ayat al-Kareema (La Ilah Illa Anta Subhanaka Inni Kuntu Minazzalimeen). And I used to recite Surah al-Ikhlas three times and Ayat al-Kareema 11 times.Now I am not performing the above prayer. I want to know.. More

  • Crossing in Front of a Person Praying

    Can I cross in front of a man praying without a Sutrah from distance of about 10 or 15 feet away or should I wait till he finished this prayer? Could you explain this according to Sunnah? .. More

  • Jawf al-Lail (Midnight)

    What time is "Jawf al-Lail" (midnight) approximately? .. More

  • Delaying prayers and performing them all together

    I am learning. So, I delay all prayers and perform them at home all together. How should I perform them?.. More

  • Starting the Prayer before the Athaan Is Complete

    Is it possible to start prayer immediately after the Muezzin calls Allahu Akbar or just wait until he finishes the whole Azan? We work hard here in America and have just limited time for lunch and rest, just 45 minutes. .. More

  • I'tikaf other than during Ramadan

    What is the ruling on l'tikaf at the time other than Ramadan? Should it be done? A brother suggested doing l'tikaf for just the weekend and I could not find any Fatwa on this issue... More