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2404 fatwas

  • Making up a Missed Prayer in Congregation

    i know that if someone misses salah for sleep he must pray it immediately after getting up. but in a hadith of sahih muslim the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam got up after sunrise but didn't pray immediately. He firstly moved from that place and then prayed in another place? what's the explanation? again, if we a group of people get up late should.. More

  • Pronouncing Sami’a Allahu Liman Hamidah Correctly

    Salaam ‘Alaykum.If you pray behind someone and you are not sure whether he correctly pronounced the sharp haa (حاء) in Sami’-Allaahu liman hamidah, is the prayer valid? And is it correct to go up to that person and inquire and is it also valid to continue to pray behind him while having this doubt? May Allaah reward you with good. .. More

  • Moving the Finger in Tashahhud

    As-Salamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah,We read that Shu'ayb Arna'ut described the Prophet's movement of the finger in Tashahhud as "trembling unintentionally" due to the cold (as in the Hadith of Wa'il who visited in the winter), the old age of Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) and the return of the poison which weakened him. An indication of this is.. More

  • Waking up late for the Fajr Prayer

    Salaam ‘Alaykum.I woke up late for fajr this morning and had about ten minutes left. I found that my phone battery had died, hence I didn’t hear my alarm. I went to perform wudoo’ and didn’t have my phone on me to keep track of the time. When I finished, I looked at the time and it said 8:19am and the timetables of the local mosques say sunrise.. More

  • Waking Up Shortly before Sunrise with Wet Dreams

    AssalamualaikumIf a person wakes up about 15 minutes before sunrise but in a state of janaabah and when he completes ghusl the time for fajr had elapsed. It takes nearly 10 minutes for him to do ghusl maybe because of waswaas etc.Does he come under the heading of delibrately missing prayer and kufr? .. More

  • Last Tashahhud Is a Pillar of the Prayer

    salam. pls dont refer to other answers. is Salah valid if one reads the shortest version of tashahhud in last sitting? .. More

  • Intention Does not Have to be Uttered

    Salaam ‘Alaykum. I have a small question that I really need answered. I have been trying to get this question answered specifically but have not gotten a chance yet. It is not that big of a question anyways, and I did ask one Shaykh (may Allaah reward him with good) but he gave me a general answer. The question is: when making intention for any act.. More

  • No Prostration for Forgetfulness if one Repeats the Tashahhud

    During 4 rakhat Salah, after 2 rakhat when we recite tashahud, if a person forgets the tashahud in the middle of the recitation but remember it sooner and recite the Tashahud one more time from the beginning. Is the Salah valid or he has to repeat the Salah? .. More

  • Cutting Hair inside the Mosque

    is it permissible for a man to cut his hair inside masjid? .. More

  • Where to place the Right Hand over the Left Hand in Prayer

    Sheikh u didnt reply my question plz read it carefull and reply with a proper answer and if u dont wanna do it or dont have time to do so then plz say "NO" dont keep us waitting for answer and when answer came you reffer us to different quetion which not the answer of mine sp plz read it care fully.Assalam o alikum,sheikh what is the opinion of four.. More

  • Praying behind an Innovator Imam

    Assalam Alaikum, I am following shafi imam and sunni, where i work there imam is following an innovator imam. That is the reason I skip Juma because having doubt that my prayer wont be correct if I pray behind them. Can I skip Juma and pray 4 rakat normal luhur? .. More

  • Intention in Making up for a Missed Prayer and Selling Alcohol-Containing Medicines

    A)I know for an act of worship to be valid, one must have the right intention. My problem is I've missed salah for many years and I am now making all of them up so my Intention is "I am making up my first fajr prayer" however I got confused on one of the days and said "I am making up my ninth Fajr prayer" etc when it reality it was the 10th I was making.. More

  • Student Keen on Performing the Prayer in Congregation

    I have to visit a long way (about 20 km) from my varsity to home. It is easier for me to use varsity bus otherwise it becomes tough for me to reach my home. But the problem is that the Varsity bus schedule overlaps the congregation time. such as jamat of zuhr held at 1.30 and the bus starts at 1.15 and reaches to my home at 1.45 and if I take the bus.. More

  • Abandoning the Friday Khutbah

    Salaam ‘Alaykum.If a person is always late for Jumu’ah and misses the khutbah but catches the prayer, then does he fall into the threat of those whose hearts may be concealed? What if this person tries but is habitually unpunctual?Jazaakum-Allaah Khayran. .. More

  • Inability to leave mosque when imaam is committing innovation

    What should I do when the imam of the masjid starts doing innovations? I cannot leave because there are people in the back rows, and it is troublesome to go past them. .. More