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Some days ago, I asked one of the people of good deeds to guide me to a poor family because I have some used clothes and I want to give them in charity instead of throwing them away. However, he said to me: "This is inappropriate. If you want to givecharity, you should give the clothes you wear in charity." He recited the verse in which Allaah The Almighty.. More
How does the great Sharee‘ah organize the relationship between the lender and the borrower (I mean with regards to individuals not entities)? I noticed that some brothers borrow money frequently –I try to prohibit them – and they say that the dirham of a loan is better than that of charity. Is that true? Is it better for me to lend a person than.. More
A man offered ongoing charity for a deceased person. After a while, hoping for the reward, he said to himself that this charity is for himself as well. Is this intention valid? Is the deed accepted? Please advise... More
I would like to ask about the permissibility of the charity dish. That is to say, a group of people participate in cooking some food and selling it to people for a price which may be a little bit more expensive so that the revenue goes to the needy and those affected by earthquakes and the like. Is the intention sincere for the sake of Allaah The Almighty.. More
Is donation to hospitals and disability centers regarded as a valid charity, noting that we live in a non-Muslim country where Muslims and followers of other faiths also live?.. More
My father passed away some time ago and my brother, who commits some sinful acts, gives charity on his behalf. Is this charity accepted from him on behalf of my father? .. More
Is it permissible for a person with great financial ability to benefit from charity? I do not mean money but such types of charitable deeds as putting water coolers in streets or mosques or distributing dried dates at Iftaar meals, in Al-Masjid Al-Haraam for example. Is a rich person allowed to benefit from such types of charity?
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Is there a type of that is charity preferred over another? For example, is slaughtering a sacrificial animal more commendable than giving money to the poor? Moreover, if I hand over money to people running a mosque so that they undertake its distribution on my behalf, shall my reward be less than if I were to distribute it?.. More
What is the best time to give charity?
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I supported an orphan but no longer have the ability to do so. What is the ruling of Sharee‘ah on this case? Am I obliged to continue to pay this money?
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Please help me understand the attitude of ‘Abdullaah ibn Al-Mubaarak, may Allaah have mercy upon him, when he made up his mind not to complete his journey of offering voluntary Hajj when he met some poor people and gave them the money he had as charity except for a little which he kept to return home.
I have some questions concerning this incident:
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Should the ongoing charity that benefits the deceased be one of his deeds before his death? Or is it permissible that after his death his family establishes an ongoing charity and offers its reward to him although in his life he had a sufficient amount of money to give charity but he did not? I heard from a scholar that the reward of this charity does.. More
Does paying a monthly sum to some orphan children constitute sponsoring them?.. More
Is there a minimum limit for paying charity and participating in charitable projects? Also, is there a maximum limit for charitable deeds such as donating money? I posed this question because some people say that charity has a minimum and a maximum (for example Zakaah is the minimum and the third of one's wealth is the maximum according to the claim.. More
Do we receive more rewards if the sum given in charity is greater or does this depend on the number of times we give charity? .. More
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