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5673 fatwas

  • Divorce after an Invalid Marriage

    If a couple marry and divorce then later find out that their marriage may not have been valid in the first place, does the divorce still count? And if it is the third divorce does that mean that they are forbidden to each other? .. More

  • Permanent Birth Control

    I need to know about birth control (permanent contraception). Is it permissible for the following reasons? A) My wife is weak (40-kg. weight) and suffer from many diseases during pregnancy period.B) We don't have our own home yet (we live in my uncle's home).C) I am 32 years old only and now we have 3 kids. We are poor. .. More

  • Marrying sister of uncle's wife

    Is it permissible to marry the sister-in-law of my own uncle or my father's own brother, i.e. to marry the own sister of my father's own brother's wife. Please answer my question as quickly as possible in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah... More

  • Committing Zina with a Condom

    I assume that it is still considered from the Kaba'ir for a man to commit Zina by having sex with a woman even if he's wearing a condom, correct? .. More

  • Admitting a Retarded Child in Non-Muslim School

    I have a little boy of 3 years old. He has cerebral palsy, chronic lung disease and other medical problems. I live in England. The problem is that I will have to put him in a special school when he is 5 years old, but these schools are run by non-Muslims staff and of course, boys and girls are mixed (but at least there are many other Muslim children.. More

  • Phone sex

    I'm an Arabic young guy, married Muslim, but I study in Australia without my family. I tried much to bring them but the visa is taking much time. Anyway, I love my wife, so much. I can't stop thinking of her psychologically and sexually, and the matter is same with her. So, are we allowed to practise "phone sex" to release our passion till we're meet... More

  • Wants to Marry a Girl after Committing Zina with Her for Years

    Indeed, this is my story: I knew a girl at University who is not from my country. At the time I was ignorant and unawake; this part of the world is full of satanic temptations, dating girls, having intercourse with them. I really regret it now! But with the last girl, it lasted 5 years. I envisage marrying her knowing that she is a Muslim and her family.. More

  • Raising Boys And Girls

    I had a discussion today with my husband. He claims that upbringing is not the same for boys and girls. He says it is worse if a girl loose her virginity before marriage than for a boy. I say that it is Haram for both boys and girls and that they will both get punishment from Allah (SWT). Who's right? Please get me valuable Daleel, fast! .. More

  • Marital Status of Husband Who Left His Wife, Committed Zina and Doesn’t Pray

    A little over a year ago, 2 weeks before my daughter was born, my husband moved out of our house to his sisters. There he committed adultery with another woman. He was caught by my brother in-law and he has confessed to me that he had been having relations with this woman for quite some time. My question is am I still married to him if he commits adultery?.. More

  • Gay and Seeks Guidance

    I have a Muslim friend who taught me few things about Islam and I was really moved and touch by it, but I'm gay and I never choose to be and I know I can't change it, so what can I do? .. More

  • Waiting Period for Women after Divorce

    My husband and I have not been intimate for over a month. I was just about to start my 2nd menses without relations with him when he divorced me. He said he didn't mean it, but if it is valid, this is our third divorce. Do I still have to wait an additional 3 menses before I can marry again? .. More

  • Divorce in marriage without sexual relations

    If a husband divorces his wife, and during the time of the marriage there was no sexual relationship, after the divorce is there Iddah. I have read somewhere in Arabic, if the husband (Lam Yadqul Alyhaah in Arabic) there is no Iddah required. Can you clarify the full meaning of the word (Yadqul) does that mean full sexual relationship or does kissing.. More

  • Compensating Pregnant Wife Who Wants Divorce

    A pregnant woman asked her husband to divorce her for some reasons. Should he pay her Nafaqah during her pregnancy? .. More

  • Rejecting Proposal of a Girl Who Wants to Become Muslim

    I met a girl who is Catholic. I told her my religion (Islam) forbids me from seeing her. She told me that she wants to become a Muslim in order to be able to marry me. I find myself in a very hard situation. I don't want to marry her, but at the same time I don't want to be the reason to push her away from becoming a Muslim because if I say I am not.. More

  • Protection for young daughter from her uncle

    I do not trust my brother (17 years old) in law to be around my 3 years old daughter. My Muslim wife wants to visit her family (non-Muslim). I do not want my daughter to go with her. Is that permissible? And how I can present this issue to my sensitive wife?.. More