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978 fatwas

  • The philosophy of the Ashaa‘irah

    What is your opinion concerning a person supporting the Ashaa‘irah school of Islamic creed and saying that the Hanafi, Shaafi‘i and Maaliki scholars adopt the same philosophy? .. More

  • 'Eesaa will descend and kill the Antichrist and the Jews

    Some people believe that the Antichrist will be the savior of the Christians. As a result, they will view 'Eesaa (Jesus), may Allaah exalt his mention, as an enemy of the Antichrist when he comes again. What is your point of view on this issue?.. More

  • Beliefs of the Ahbaash (Habashi) sect

    Please inform us about the sect of the Ahbaash so that we can avoid their evils... More

  • Who will lead prayer when Jesus will descend? He or Al Mahdi?

    Assalaamu alaikum. Jazakallahu khair for replying my question (Fatwa No: 2330954) regarding I'sa Ibn maryam (Peace be upon him). However the Hadith which i referred is not the hadith which you quoted in your answer. The hadith is " Abu Hurayra (R.A) reported as Allah's messenger (Saw) as saying "The last hour will not come until the romans will land.. More

  • It is permissible to marry up to four wives but he must be just

    Assammualaikum Dear sir , my husband has 1st wife & 4 childrens and i am the second second wife & our marriage is arrange marrige I am MBA degree holder and I have 1 son. . Sir, my husband always tell his 1st wife that, he did the 2nd marriage only to look after his work and business , he always bring home his 1st wifes relative and he tell.. More

  • A free person can neither be sold nor bought

    Assalammualaikum I heard that the only way to get a slave according to sharia is through legimaite war between muslim vs non-muslim, and a person born into slavery is a slave. Other type enslavement is invalid. But there is an athar by Ali R.A. saying "Whoever said that he is a slave then he is a slave", narrated by as-Sya'bi from syuraik, that means.. More

  • Dealing with the Habashis

    Are the Habashis like other apostate sects? How can one deal with them, especially if they are members of one’s family like a father or a sister?.. More

  • Essence of Christianity

    What is the origin of Christianity? Do Christians worship ‘Eesaa (Jesus), may Allaah exalt his mention? Do they worship both him and Allaah The Almighty? In what way do they regard Maryam (Mary), may Allaah exalt her mention? How many scriptures do they have? When I take a Fatwa from your website, people say that it is merely an Internet website.. More

  • The Tawraah (Torah) and Injeel (Gospels) are distorted

    What is the evidence that proves that the Tawraah and Injeel are distorted? What is the interpretation of the verse (what means): {But how is it that they come to you for judgment while they have the Torah, in which is the judgment of Allaah?}[Quran 4:43] .. More

  • A person who believes that applying man-made laws is disbelief is not a Kharijite

    1. Some young men who claim to follow the Salafi Da‘wah (call of the early Muslims), accuse their brothers [in Islam] of being from the Khawaarij (a deviant sect). The reason behind this accusation is that the latter consider the arbitration of man-made laws as major Kufr (disbelief), which results in apostasy. They support their opinion with.. More

  • Who are the Twelve Imaams?

    The Shiites say that succession of the caliphate should have been according to the script, while the Sunnis maintain that it should have been by consultation. Which opinion is correct? Who are the Twelve Imams?.. More

  • The Quran is a miracle and Allaah is Just

    I have a friend who denies that the Quran is miraculous and claims that Allaah The Exalted is unjust. Now he is almost an atheist. Please advise me, what should I do to save this young man? .. More

  • How to deal with someone who tries to make people doubt Islam

    Salam alaikum wa rahmatAllah wa barakatuhu, I have a Coptic woman in my unemployment class, who uses the violent situation in Egypt to spread false information and lies about Islam, saying that what is happening in Egypt is Islam and that Islam is evil etc. I was kind to her, as Rasul Allah, sal Allahu alayhi wa salam, also stayed kind to the.. More

  • One's responsibility for giving bad advice to people

    Please tell me to what degree we will be held responisable for incorrect advice we give to people. If you give bad advice to someone (on purpose or unwittingly), will you be held responsable for the consequences or is it the person making the mistake that will be held accountable? I know that the person who guides to good gets the same reward as the.. More

  • One’s responsibility for his/her sins before embracing Islam

    salam aleikum sheikh. i have one important question... i am muslim and my parents are not...they dont axept my islam and have been making war with me now for more than 3 years.. in the past when i was younger and not muslim my dad have take fotografs of me and film me with camera from hollidays and from diffrent places like from the beach where im.. More