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978 fatwas

  • One who equates a Sufi book with the Qur'an

    Please explain the Qur'an's view about seeing an angel, who would call you by your name and identify himself as a slave of God and order you to follow Dalaail Al-Khayraat, and to bring a witness. What does the Qur'an think of this some Imaams thought this is Qur'an and some thought this is the book of the prayer on the Prophet, peace be upon.. More

  • The extent of Christianity

    Many non-believers say Christianity is the most religion in the world, is that true? .. More

  • New convert having difficulty adapting to Islam

    I am new to Islam. Before my conversion I was all into going out to bars, drinking almost everyday, but I have already decided to give all of that up. I pray on my knees, and bow as it is told to in the Qur'an, but I still don't know exactly how to pray and what to recite except for the first Surah. It gets really discouraging more and more everyday,.. More

  • Wants to change her name

    My name is Kirsty Davies. I have changed my name to 'Alliyah in my every day life, but have not changed it through the courts or asked my family to call me that name. Does my name have a bad meaning? Should I change my name through the courts? Should I ask my family to call me 'Alliyah? I know it upsets them especially my mum. .. More

  • Baptism of Jesus

    Is Jesus was baptised by John in the Jordanian River?.. More

  • Authentic Hadeeth about Salat according to Hanafi school

    What are the authentic Hadeeth for performing Salaat according to Hanafi Madhab? What are the answers to the usual questions raised by Salafi on Hanafi method of Salaat? .. More

  • Doesn't want to go near his 2nd wife

    Recently my 2nd wife find out that I was looking for a 3rd wife and during the argument she started getting wild and attacking me with her fist, to the extent that I started bleeding from a scratch. Ever since that day I have not had any inclination of touching her or even being close to her. May Allaah forgive me. .. More

  • Keeping relations with someone who rejects Islam after reading about it

    I have tried to introduce a very good friend of mine to Islam, by giving him a copy of the Qur'an translated, and also any support he may need. He himself after finishing reading the Qur'an read the Hadeeth and Sunnah. However, he does not want Islam as his religion because he doesn't believe it to be true, and also says that he actively dislikes.. More

  • Doesn't understand reasons for polygyny

    Before I start my question, I just want to let you know that the service your provide to Muslim and non-Muslim around is a great service. Please continue what your doing. May Allah bless you. I'm a Muslim and I really don't see the importance of polygamy. I have heard from other Muslims saying that, "if your wife can't produce kids, or if.. More

  • Daawoodi Bohras group

    Are Dawoodi Buhra Muslims? In what sense would their beliefs contradict Islam? .. More

  • Advising someone from Hadeeth without knowing number, text, etc.

    Is it permissible to advice someone from Hadeeth without known its Hadeeth number, source book, Arabic version, etc.? For example, I know that wearing gold is Haraam for men, but I don't know which Hadeeth saying that it is Haraam. .. More

  • Schools of thought other than the four Imaams

    I saw a lecture where Bilal Phillips said that there were more than 4 schools of thought. I think he said there were 9 or 11 in total, but the others died out. Which were the other schools of thought? Who was their 'founder'? When and how long were they for? Did those scholars have books of opinions like Imaam Maalik, etc.? How did those.. More

  • Has difficulty calling others to Islam

    I have two questions may Allaah bless you all. 1) t's been a year now that Allaah got out of darkness to light and have never felt so happy in my life, and to make up for the lost years I wanted to teach non-Muslim friends about Islam I have good knowledge of the Bible since I used to studied it before and tend to use their Bible to give Du'a.. More

  • Wants to invite an atheist to Islam

    I have a Korean friend who is atheist, he doesn't believe in God. And he told me that the only way he would believe is to see Allaah because they believe in science. And he said that the most developed countries in the world are Japan, Korea and China because they don't have any religion. I would like you to help me in responding to him and.. More

  • Concerned about his stray brother from Islam

    How do I convince my brother to stop straying from Islam, and I mean severely straying. I have hidden all of the things he does from my parents, for sure for the best, but he's going out of control. He's picked up drinking, I don't know since when, he's extremely violent, towards my sisters, and even raises his hand to my father. My father threatens.. More