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As salaam Alkauim. My husband went away to prison and I asked for a divorce after for 7 years. In our 5 year of marriage I wanted out. My husband refused to give me a divorce. So I divorce him through the law of the land because we got married about ways. I then went to the Iman in my community and he refused to divorce me and suggested that I wait.. More
Assalamu alaikum, Sheikh Some women told me that once her husband said to her I do not want like you, then again I don't want like you, so she asked a very great and knowledgeable alim that her husband said to her I don't want like you, but she kept quite then alim said to her if your husband said I do not want like you and then if you had said him.. More
Assalamu Alaikum,Sheikh during in verbal fight if husband says to his wife you want to live with me or your brother, choose one, and then he gives options to his wife that ifyou want to live with me then you have to choose one right now.Then, wife says that she swears to Allah that she wants to live with her brother, And ,at the moment, she really intended.. More
Aslam o alaikumYa sheikh. I married a girl without a guardian.We kept it secret and lived with our families met once or twice and consummated. We came to know that the nikah is invalid so I said to the girl that there is no relationship between us as a husband and wife. I said this to her so that the things are clearer among us that this relation has.. More
I said to my wife " if u dont obey me, give me khula/talaq. then i taught her the words. she told me as i taught " i give u talaq because ur mua'malat is bad. then i said to her " I accept it". Is this a valid talaq?1.There was no mention of returning of my mahr from her or my side2.When i said " I accept it" my intention was I was giving her 2nd talaq.3... More
Assalam AlaikumMy question is that I took khul' from my husband..during Iddah we remarried with new Mahar..after a year he divorced me...but it is not in written till today...he just said that...I am now married to my second husband since 2 years...I am still confused all that has happened was all right according to Islam??and if not how can it be rectified??.. More
assalamu alikum i have a question regarding conditional divorce.are these narrations authentic regarding conditional divorce? a man said"""The reports received from the companions of the Prophet (ṣallallāḥu `alayhi wa-sallam) and those who followed them. Al-Bukhārī reported that a man divorced his wife if she left the house.Ibn.. More
Please help. I suffer from whispers.If my husband jokes with me that if it is so hot here then go to your parents house i start having whispers that did he or did he not mean divorce. He knows i suffer from doubts and whispers so I always ask him you did not mean "That" right?. I use the word "That" instead of the word divorce and my husband knows that... More
I said several times to my wife people are free in North America to take divorce if you want is up to you I am not giving you the divorce, but last time I just say if you want to take divorce upto you (my intention was to say I am not giving you- but couldn') but couldn't able to say that I am not giving divorce to her and wife say okay lets go to lawyer.. More
sir some one questioned me (in Urdu) that have u done third divorced of your wife I asked him (g?) its a Urdu word and here are two meanings of this word one meaning is yes if I told and second meaning is what if I ask. So I want to ask you that is the divorce has done or not.
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As Salam mualaikum warah mathullah wa barakatuhu dear brothers. I wanted to ask you about a very serious situation. My cousin divorced my sister. first of all; before he hit her he said, he is tired of her, and wants to divorce her; then proceeded to hit her. (To the nearest translation) Then he sent a talak notice via text message. He sent the text.. More
Asallam U Alaikum, When I got married my parents put in the marriage contract the right of khula or a stipulation that I had the right to divorce. I heard it mentioned in the contract to me but I didn't know what it entailed as I was ignorant about these issues. In the start of my marriage I had many arguments with my husband and I'm not sure how many.. More
Assalamu alikum, following situation is very important for two families. There is a brother whose nikah was done when both the girl and the boy were 12 to 14 years approx. But the families postpone the consummation of marriage or Rukhsati for a later time. Later on when the girl became mature, she said I will not marry this guy, the guy did not wanted.. More
I have asked a question twice and I have been redirected to some fatwas. I have read all these fatwas but the question which I am asking is not one of these. After reading the fatwas I have found that If somebody intended to emphasize on the first utterance in this case divorce is counted as one. Similarly if he hasn't intended any number it counts.. More
AoA, Shaykh please guide meI am so in pain and please answer me as soon as possible, because it would be my 3rd talaq if this counts. Allah rewards you the best. In an argument he said in his mouth a complete sentence in urdu language ,main tumein ta la .q. di, I divorce you but when he said word talaq he made tiny pauses like ta la. q. After 3 days.. More
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