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I have a question in many of your answer you say words of divorce requires intention but what if someones has intention but says words that are not in anyway considered direct or metaphors like a word that rhymes with divorce like takor (which means to be soothed in punjabi and has nothing to do with divorce in itself) and as the person says it he realizes.. More
Assalamualaikum....i am married for almost 4yrs but unfortunately 2yrs after our marriage I realized that both myself and my hubby are both AS which means we are at a risk of having an SS child. I am so scared of having one because it's horrible especially wen I think of the terrible and unexplainable pains the sicklers I know go through. I am psychologically.. More
Salam My marriage is not consummated but I had some privacy with my husband on phone.the privacy was partly sexual and partly general.One day I received a divorce sms on my mobile with my name like this 'I divorce you,I divorce you,I divorce you.'when I asked my husband the reason to send this message he totally denied that he sent it,but I am sure.. More
salam my husband used to beat me an abuse me i gave him many chances then i came to my parent's home after physically torture. My husband came to my parent' home after 2 months and misbehave with me and my parents' He gave me 3 divorce at a time and left, Almost 2 months have passed now he filled the case that she is my wife and her parents force her.. More
I gave talaq three times to a girl to whom I was NOT in nikkah. Can I marry the same girl?
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The question is , if someone lives in a non muslim country where there are two types of divorces can be pronounced. Divorce and bed and board divorce. After divorce , u can legally get married again, but after bed and separation should not get married legally again. In the law , table and bed separation means that people no longer live together , share.. More
My husband and I have a difficult relationship, however we want to be together but we are still doubts whether we can .I'm 23 years younger than him and my immaturity has not helped us In May 2014 I was very nervous because he was going on a trip to Saudi Arabia and asked him to give me a divorce and I was menstruating at the time, only that our divorce.. More
I hv divorced a girl three times in anger after a Nikah without wali. I hv read it somewhere that in order to justify that talaq doesn’t happen u cannot come back with a stance that the nikah was invalid. If u were of the view that nikah u have done is valid. I hv been having nightmares, waswasas, I am scared of Allah, I don’t want to do wrong.I.. More
I married a girl in secret without her parent's consent. Later after some months we has an argument , I gave her divorce three times by saying I divorce you , I divorce you , I divorce you.. It is important to tell she was menstruating at that time. I swear I had no intentions to leave her. I was of the fact that this is the way to give Talaq. I called.. More
Aslamualakum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatuhu brother, I have a question about my personal situation pertaining to divorce. I was forced into an arranged engagement since I was 15, I willingly went to Pakistan for a short trip and got married because his mother was dying when I was almost 19 back in 2012. I came back to the U.S. without consummating the.. More
i did nikkah to widow and gave her three talaqs one by one due to some unfavorable conditions before having intercourse with her however i had sex to some extent with her. can i remarry to her
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All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. I got married under the influence of sihr/magic. Without this magic I would have never married the girl. But I also made a very big mistake I still regret until this day. At that time a.. More
Assalamoualaikoum, am in a confusion plz advice me.ive been living separately in the same house of my husband during last 3 years,as he is having affair with Hindu woman.i hve one son 4years living there just for the sake of my day i could not tolerate to see wat he is doing to me,i ask him to give me talaaq.he was not agreeing but i.. More
my question is i am a married woman and my age is 21 and my husband live out of the country we did nikkah in court and my parents does not know about this,i did nikkah.only my husband family knows it that we did nikkah in court and they are witness. me and my husband was chatting on whats app via internet my husband asked me to take khula but i refused.. More
Aslamoalaikum my nikah was done in the presence of my family at 16 march 2013..but my husband's family were not present..however my husband invited 2 of his friends as gawah from husband give me 10 thousand Rs of haq mehar at the day of nikah..after 15 month of nikah my family knows that my husband's family don't know about this nikah and now.. More
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