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557 fatwas

  • His wife told him that his father had raped her

    Assalam-o-alainkum! respected Ulmah i am married from 8 yrs and Alhumdulillah having 3 childrens. my wife told me that once my father had sex forcely with her 12 to 14 months before and she didnot told me about that and after that i had a baby 2 months before. and now she said she cannot live with me plz tell me will she be mywife anymore or not. .. More

  • Wife's name not mentioned during marriage contract

    If the name of my wife never mentioned during marriage contract by her father is the marriage contract annulled or is it ok, for your information I have seen her before the asked and we have a marriage certificate before contract. What if I cannot decide if I meant Talaaq or not when I said Kinaya word in some situations, what is the solution.. More

  • Not mentioning the name of the bride/groom's father during marriage contract

    Assalamualikum My question is 'Is the name of the father of the Bride & Groom to be mentioned at the time of Nikah ?' ( if parents are divorced & child has been brought up by any one)& on the day of resurrection we will be know by what names ?(fathers or mothers) Jazakallah .. More

  • She is not sure whether she consented to her own marriage or not

    assalamu aleykum, i was approached by a lady who wanted to know if the marriage of someone who is not sure whether she consented to marriage is valid or not. the story is that there is a girl who went to another country and stayed with a family. she satyed with them, and she just saw herself giving all her money to the family without knowing and later.. More

  • A new Muslim worried about the validity of her second marriage

    Assalaamu alaikum, Thank you for taking the time, this is very important to me. I am a revert to Islam, for 4 years now. When I first became muslim and told my family they freaked. I had to run away, I met a brother in Islam through the internet and he agreed to help to me. We married islamicly so I could stay in his apartment and it be halal. But this.. More

  • Doubtful marriage of a new Muslim woman

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatoh, I am writing to you because I have a very important question. It is regarding the marriage without a wali. When I and my husband married 4 years ago, I just converted to islam and knew about it very little. But nowadays I started asking myself a question whether or not I had a wali. I read on More

  • Married a Christian woman who had lost her faith in God

    As-Salamu `alaikum, I am married to a non-Muslim woman in the UK in a register office and we’re now expecting a baby. She was a Christian who used to go to church but stopped because she said priests do things that they ask others not to do. As a result, she said she lost her belief and no longer belief in God. I knew this even before the marriage.. More

  • Wants to get out of a civil marriage contract

    asalmu aleikum. i am a converty, i have married a muslim through civil marriege (non muslim service), i didnot know all about the islam as i know today' elhamdullilah. he wanted to get citizenship only and was laughing at me and abussing me savirlly. i have finally had the strength to leave him, but he wouldn't divorce me through the state. now after.. More

  • Wants to ascertain the validity of his second marriage

    Assalam-o-Alikum, I named Faisal Aman Khokhar S/o Aman Ullah Khokhar served a written three time notice of divorce to my wife on date March 07, 2007. I got married for the 2nd time on date April 28, 2007. My question is. 1) Does the NIKAH with my 1st wife after serving notice of 3 time divorce remain intact or divorce (TALAAQ) was fully imposed.. More

  • A Muslim girl married a non-Muslim man under the Indian law

    asalaam alaikum, I know one muslim gal who is living with non-muslim guy.(* they married as per indian law in court/registration n which is non valid as per islam) Now she is 5 months pregnant as a result of ZINA. what should be possible solution for this? Gal's parents dont want to leave her like that. They want her to come home with out that guy... More

  • Ruling on Mut`ah marriage

    Assalamualaikum, First of all, I would like to thank you for responding to questions quickly. Jazkallah khair. My question is regarding mutah marraiage. It is well known that it is prohibited from authentic narrations. But in Shias, it is allowed form of marriage. I dont have any doubt that it is haraam. But can we consider those shias who do it are.. More

  • Married temporarily and wants to renew her marriage contract

    Assalamo Alikom, I converted to islam 3 yrs ago, my family have not imbraced Islam. I became involved with a muslim man. He said he never wants to marry & have children, I said I did. He said for us to do a temporary nikka for awhile as he loved me. He said it is allowed, & later we can divorce & go our separate ways. I knew very little about Islam.. More

  • Hid something from her husband before he married her

    Assalamualaikum. I have a question about a wife that hides something to her husband and the wife didn't inform the husband until they have got married. The reason why she did that wasbecause she scared that he would cancel the marriage is she tells him before they get marriage. Would this act be considered as one thing that makes the whole marriage.. More

  • Wants divorce because her husband is an innovator

    Asalaamulikum. Is it permissable for a sunni revert sister to seek seperation when the husband is an innovator. Some of his views are deviated from the Sunni schools of thought and this is causing problems in the relationship as the sister becomes more knowlegable and aware of Islam and the importance of always striving to please Allah swt and follow.. More

  • Doubtful marriage of a new Muslim woman

    Salam alaykum, I am a new muslim by my choice no one ask me to revert to islam after reading some books and understand the meaning of it i go direct to QCPI before to make Shahadah, 3 months ago i get married i know him thru a person working with him, i ask this person that i want to get married with a good muslim man who can teach me more about Islam.. More