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720 fatwas

  • Was not able to do Tahneek and Athaan for newborn because of premature birth

    If a child is born very premature and the father is unable to perform most of the sunnah actions such as tahnik and saying adhaan into the child ears when the child had just been born and a while after, can the father still perform these actions when the child is better and the Doctor allows him to do so? Even if the time of performing the sunnah actions.. More

  • The permissibility of naming child 'Shareed' and what it means

    Assalamualaikum my question is regarding name. I named my son Shareed, the name was found by my dad in Riyazus saliheen which had reference to Abu Dawood. I would like to know the meaning of this name and is it permissible to name the child with this name. The reference to the hadees where the name is mentioned is-chapter no.5 and hadees no. 824 .. More

  • Using the name 'Monica' for a Muslim girl

    I have a question about naming people. This is the background name for Monica: Monica is an ancient name of North African origin (now Algeria) whose etymology is unknown. The earliest reference to the name is found in ancient Numidian inscriptions. The name might include a reference to the ancient Libyan god Mon. Saint Augustine's mother was named Monica,.. More

  • She delivered an illegitimate child after marriage

    Assalamualaikum,if a girl 20days before getting married comitted zina with her brother in law(sister husband)and got married soon after that not knowing she is pregnent,but when child was born after 7 n half month of marriage he was sick due to some testing doctor told husband that this is not ur child but he refused to accept that.child died after.. More

  • A couple talking about the stage of growth of their unborn baby

    Assalam u Allaikum. I wanna ask you something. i was stiting with some of my family members and they were talking about that husband and wife should not talk about the child which the wife carries. They were talking about an example that that girl was telling her husband that today our child can hear, today our child's heartbeat has started, today his/her.. More

  • Naming a girl Maysarah

    Salam. Can i name my daughter "Maisarah"? Or is the name just exclusively meant/more suitable for boys? Kindly advise. Thnx. .. More

  • Reversing an adoption that was ratified by courts

    What is the ruling if a grandmother legally adoptsed her own grandson, when the boys parents gave him up? This grandmother reverted and did not know the rule against adopting and when the boy asked to change his name because of the bad morals of his non-Muslim birth parents, the grandmother allowed him to change his whole name. She did not know it was.. More

  • Taking children to the Masjid, and cooking special meals on Friday

    Assalamu alaikum. May Allah reward you with good. We are living in a kuffar country with two small children. Because we can not move i find it very important to try to make their muslims identities as strong as possible. i like to take them to the masjid for jumuah sometimes, and make a special day for them. My husband dont refuse me to go, but sometimes.. More

  • Wisdom behind not breaking the bones of the 'Aqeeqah

    why it is forbidden to break bones of the aqiqah meat?(for what hikma) .. More

  • Using child support as bargaining tool for visitation rights

    Assalam Aleikum. I divorced my first wife 6 years ago. We had one daughter with my ex-wife. I remarried since and have had 2 daughters. My daughter is 9 years old and living with my ex-wife (her mum). I have been paying child support all this time until 4 months ago when I moved abroad. The reason I stopped to pay child support (still paying her private.. More

  • Stepfather is a Mahram for wife's illegitimate daughter

    Assalamu alaykum warahmatullah wabarakatuh. I have read a lot of fatwa and from shariah law about illegitimate child but none of them can relate to my situation. I hope you can help enlighten me. I was a christian when i got pregnant from my boyfriend and we never got married. I am taking care of my daughter and on legal paper she has no father. Her.. More

  • A husband may not disown a child except by Li'aan

    I am a married woman, who came home to FL to see her parents. I told my husband I am pregnant but he is accusing me of lying and saying that it is not his child. Islamicaly is my husband allowed to make such false accussations on me and accuse me and family of plotting against him? I have no idea what is wrong with him but I came to find out he has.. More

  • How to deal with a strong-willed child?

    Assalamualaikum… Does 'strong-willed children' exist in Islam? What is the best way to handle a strong-willed child...Sometimes my child simply says 'no' whenever we asked her to do something… She likes to fight and purposely pick on her siblings… When I asked why she said 'because I feel like to'…please help me… .. More

  • Child's lineage cannot be traded for Khul'

    Assalamu alaykom. I am a revert to Islam, i was living in an Islamic country and was married by orfi i became pregnant on or a couple of days after the wedding night we were married 1 month before i asked for divorce because i was badly beaten many times by my husband and i could not take this treatment, he and his family agreed to the divorce if i.. More

  • Teaching children Islamic manners is due upon parents

    Is it due upon the mother to teach her daughter, after attaining the age of puberty, the necessity of removing the armpit hair or the pubic hair, or is this required only of the married woman? .. More