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720 fatwas

  • DNA testing to prove paternity of children

    DNA-testing the Norwegian government sometimes ask immigrants in Norway to do a DNA-test in relation to applications of family reunifications and requests for asylum to find out if people really are related. What should a Muslim do if they ask you to make a test to see for instance to check if you are the father to your children. .. More

  • Is named 'Talha', ties his hair with a rubber band and watches pornography

    I have long hairs. Therefore I tie my hairs with a rubber band and offer my prayer. Is it right or not? What is the meaning of my name 'Talha'? I watch dirty pictures and websites. I have tried very hard to stop these things but unable to do so. How can I stop doing these things? Is listening to music or singing is prohibited in Islam or not? Please.. More

  • Returning an adopted child to an orphanage

    A couple who adopted a boy in Malaysia have simply returned him to an orphanage because they say they have not 'bonded' with him. The boy is just under 4 years old. He is legally adopted and has papers as an Irish Citizen as a result of his adoptive father's nationality. He is legally the son of this man. What is the view on returning this boy to.. More

  • Naming girls

    I am a 30 years unmarried guy, Allaahu A'lam when I will get married, but when I get married and have baby girls, I want to name then Safaa and Marwah, so that I remember Allaah even when I am calling kids. Safaa and Marwah being names of mountains, is it permissible to name these?.. More

  • Ex-wife remaining in the house with the ex-husband for the sake of the children

    My question is after divorce between husband and wife can still woman stay in same house of husband for the sake of children? .. More

  • Islamic rites for the physically impaired

    My question is regarding my 15 years-old daughter. She has cerebral palsy. Basically, her body doesn't work but her mind does. She, Mashaa' Allaah, speaks English and Arabic, memorizes Quran and is quite intelligent, with the exception of her speech impairment. Her physical impairment is making it difficult for her to wear a face cover. The way.. More

  • She had a son by Zina

    I'm having some serious issues. About three years ago I got pregnant by a Muslim brother and we were not married. Instead of him being a man and helping me out with this situation he ran and left the country. I decided to get an abortion. But on the day that I went I felt that Allaah was giving me signs. The doctor was a Muslim and so was the nurse... More

  • Guardianship of the children of separated parents

    After separation between a couple (but not divorced), who will be the guardian of children (three daughters)? .. More

  • Naming a girl Parizaat

    Naming a girl with Parizaat is correct? I think Parizaat name in Persian language means woman who belongs to Pari or Hoor of Jannah very beautiful women. Dose Islam allows us to call her with this name? .. More

  • Named his daughter 'Na'ilah'

    I have my first daughter who is 7 months old. I kept her name Nailah as per my intuition or my liking towards that name inspite of opposition from my parents and my Wife. Initially my daughter brought me very good luck and fortune, Al-hamdulillaah. But of late things are not working with us properly. Sometimes when I think that I should change his.. More

  • Status of Illegitimate Children

    I am a Pakistani and a lawyer by profession. My question is about the illegitimate children. Who are the Mahrams of illegitimate children, i.e., the relatives who they can and cannot marry? What are their rights and duties under Islamic Law? Please do give references of Holy Qur'an or Ahadith while giving Fatwa. .. More

  • Her 14 year-old son's relationship to her in-laws is questionable

    I have a friend who had a child before becoming Muslim, she then married a Muslim man and she too became Muslim Al-Hamdulillaah, but now her husband's mother is saying that she and other female members of the family have to cover in front of her son, who is 14 because he is not her proper grandson, what is the Islamic ruling regarding this, as it.. More

  • Wife taking her husband's surname

    Can a woman take her husband's name as surname after marriage? Please note that this is common practice in South Asia and Europe. Please give some references with your answer. .. More

  • Concerned about his son living with his non-religious ex-wife

    My son is 15 years old and living in Germany since 1994 with my divorced wife. I cannot get and visit him, he cannot make him live with me according to Islam principles. I know that by heritage he is Muslim. His mother is not a believer in Christian religion. But I am afraid influence may come to him from any side and become Christian. What can.. More

  • Child-sharing on 'Eed days

    After separation between my ex-husband and me with a child. The husband went to English court to seek contact with his son despite that I have never stopped him from seeing the child through my family. Because he has to travel for two hours and a half from where he lives to my place he requested as well that he would have contact with the child.. More