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720 fatwas

  • Aqeeqah and its observance

    I read Fataawa on your site about 'Aqeeqah' as I understand; I should be done on 7th day. My question is: If one misses doing the Aqeeqah on seventh day, when can he do it later on (my friend told me that it can then be done on 14th, 21st, as so on days). Will the reward from Allaah differ if the Aqeeqah is done after the 7th day? Further,.. More

  • Has reached puberty but she acts childish

    I want to about the following: My daughter reached at her period some few months before while she is now 10 years and 10 months only. But she behaves very childishly; she does still playing, running, jumping, etc. And could not realize that she has become grownup and all religious matters related to her have become applicable. Even we scold her.. More

  • Custody of children after divorce, marriage and divorce

    I have a question regarding custody of children. I do understand that once the mother re-marries, the children go to the father. However, what if the mother divorces again does the custody of the children then go back to her? And if not, does the father have the right to say when and when the children cannot be with me? Inshaa Allaah, please clarify.. More

  • Naming a girl 'Ghausia'

    My question is can we name a girl Ghausia (derived from Ghaus). I asked a Hanafi scholar and he said no because it has elements of shirk in it and he also said that it is usually used by the Barelwis. I told my husband but he's not convinced and wants a second opinion. Could you please advise us?.. More

  • Naming a boy "Thul-Kifl"

    Is "Thul-Kifl" a Muslim name for a boy? I looked at this name in mosque about 1 year ago and I don't remember if its a right name or not. Please answer this question as soon as possible. .. More

  • She is repulsed by her husband's ex-wife's child

    My husband was married to a Mushrikah woman. She committed adultery several times during their marriage. My husband is claims a child that looks just like the oldest brother from his ex-wife's pervious marriage. This boy does not look like their mother of father or any of the other siblings. My concern is one of the boy lives with us and he.. More

  • Marital dispute settled by Islamic court ruling

    A girl was get her Nikaah at the age of 2 year by her father, but no Rukhsati, when she attend the age of 19 years she refused to Rukhsati with her husband of child hood, now she wanted divorce all the family and other respected people said to her husband for divorce but husband refused that he will not pay divorce at any cost, then girl's parents.. More

  • Separating from wife of invalid marriage but concerned about his son

    Reference to Fatwa: 89467 recently. I now understand that my marriage to a woman who is neither a practicing Christian or Jew is invalid and I have to be separated from her. My only question to you is to kindly tell me about the following: If I leave her I have to leave my son born out of this marriage here in Europe and I am not in a position.. More

  • Concerned about young daughter's interest in other worldly affairs

    I have daughter of 11 years of age. I believe she has been attracted to other worldly affairs than normal, what is the best possibly way to guide her in to correct path?.. More

  • Teenager is attracted to worldly affairs

    I have a daughter of 13 years of age. She has been attracted to worldly affairs more than normal. I was wondering how to guide her? .. More

  • The mother leaves her child crying when she goes to work

    My wife is working and daily before she leaves for work, she normally go to our baby and bid her bye for now and say until I come back...before the baby doesn't used to cry or get upset. But now she is ten months old and she just started crying this morning when the mum was bidding the baby bye for now. Our question here is: knowing that nothing.. More

  • Having the name 'Khan'

    Khan is a very common last name among Indian and Pakistani Muslims. It means ruler/king of the kings. In the light of Hadeeth below, should Muslims not have Khan as last names? If they do already have it, what should they do? Narrated Abu Hurayrah: Allaah's Apostle said, "The most awful name in Allaah's sight on the Day of Resurrection,.. More

  • Wants to know his rights upon divorcing his wife

    I am a new Muslim and I would like to know my Islamic rights and obligations regarding divorce. I have 2 wives. I recently pronounced a single revocable divorce for the 2nd and we have one daughter aged 5 months. Here are my questions: 1) Am I obliged to spend my time equally between the 2 wives during the waiting period? 2) What are.. More

  • Naming the newborn child

    How we give a name to newborn baby boy and girl as per Islam? Is it any calculation with date of birth of baby if is it, then tell me in detail how we do that. Waiting for your prompt reply. .. More

  • Giving good names is desirable

    1 Kindly provide me the meanings of these names suggested for the new born baby boy? Urgent request.1.Raheel Ahamed.2.Zishan Ahamed.3.Arfan Ahamed.4.Muvassir Ahamed.5.Zahaib Ahamed.Also if u can suggest of some from Allah's attributes.Allah Hafiz ! .. More