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682 fatwas

  • Zakah on donated money and where Zakah is to be spent

    If there is an organization that is applicable to receive zakah, does the organization also have to pay zakah? If yes, can it pay to itself? For example if an organization is saving money to build a shelter for the homeless (or any other activity that the zakah can be spent on) and is receiving the zakah from people. Does this organization have to pay.. More

  • Zakah on land purchased to build a rental property on it

    Assalamualaikum w.r.b. I worked for a company in Saudi Arabia for 10 years. The End-of-Service benefit I received is more than the specified Nisab. I invested this money on a land alongwith others with the intention of making use of this land to build something that can give some profit. As of now, nothing has been built. Do I need to pay Zakah on.. More

  • Zakah on different items of wealth

    Dear shaik Assalamu Alaikum please help to know how much zakat i have to pay. 1. I hold 8.33cents of agricultural land. Market valued : Rs.5 lakhs; Now producing rice/pea-nuts etc.,Yearly Income : Rs.500/-only. 2. I hold a flat/apartment in a residential bldg. Market Value is: Rs.12.75 Lakhs; and producing a rent of Rs.42,000/- per year (Rent of Rs.3500/-pm.. More

  • No Zakah on land bought with no intention of selling it

    Assalamu Alaikum, Dear Sheikh, If I buy several land properties without the intention of selling but as a savings for myself and my family, should I pay zakat?. .. More

  • How to pay Zakah on women’s jewelry

    Assalamu alaikum sheikh, I have question about zakath on gold. My mother has 160 gms of gold, My wife has 500 gms of gold and my daughter has 24 gms of gold. till now am paying zakath by adding all the gold and removing the nisab level from the total. Is it correct? Something like this came to my mind. i.e Zakath for my mothers gold shall given after.. More

  • Charity impermissible if it supports evildoing

    My sister is divorced and her ex-husband, the father of her children, is her neighbor. He does not work and drinks alcohol even during the daytime in Ramadhaan. She refuses to give him money or food and some people blame her for that under the pretext that he is a sick person. Is it permissible for her to give him money in order to buy alcohol and food.. More

  • The best charity and the best way to give charity

    DEAR SCHOLAR ASSALAMUALAIKUM, In the noble quraan ALLAH tells us lend to allah a goodly loan and ALLAH will replace it i can 't remember in which sura this ayah coming,I am wondering this ayay mention the zakath or sadaka if this ayah mention the zakath i know who i need to give the zakath but if this ayah mention sadakah what is the best sadakahand.. More

  • A wife giving her Zakah on Jewelry to her needy husband

    Assalamu alaikum... My question is regarding zakat... I have taken home loan which is a mistake but now i don't have option. my question is... 1. I have to pay home loan EMI of monthly. what i think is home loan is debt on me.. and my wife has nearly 160 gram of gold and with calculation of 2.5 interest with 24000/10 i have to pay 9000 rs.. More

  • Zakah on land bought for building on it

    salam, I bought three land plots which are of different costs in different locations. I have planned to construct 2 houses for my 2 daughters after 10 years. I have not yet decided over where I would construct the houses for my daughters. In this case, should I pay zakat for all of the three properties? .. More

  • How to dispose of buried treasures

    I own a piece of land and I have learnt that it contains a buried monumental treasure. What is the ruling on this treasure and how should I dispose of it? This land belonged to my grandparents. .. More

  • Zakah on money that will be paid for a bought property

    Bismillahir rahmanir raheem, As-salamualaykum,w,w I had the exact amount of money to buy a property to rent out which I paid 2/3 already & the rest should be paid at completion which was in 6 months .However,the completion has been delayed for more than a year &the rest of the money is in the bank (for over a year).Do I have to pay zakaat.. More

  • Paying Zakah to poor relatives who pay Zakah themselves

    Assalamualikum. my question is i have poor relatives who pay zakah themselves for the little gold they have,but i want to know if i pay them sadaqah money without telling them is it allowed as they are poor. jazakallah.. More

  • Zakah on a commercial transport company

    Asalamu3alaykum. My question is how can a commercial trasnport company determine the nisab in order to pay zakaat. the company is a heavy commercial transport company that deals with transporting halal goods to various destinations. ur quick answer will be highly appreciated. Wasalamu 3alaykum... More

  • He and his wife used to pay Zakah on their money together

    As Salam alaikum, My question is regarding Zakat. We normally calculate total belongings of ours, i.e, myself and my wife, as from the beginning we have not kept things separately, hence zakat on total possessions. And alhamdulilah we have been paying our zakat every year. Now, I have a govt interest free student loan, do I need to pay the zakat.. More

  • Giving Zakah to a maid to perform 'Umrah

    There is a female (housemaid) who deserves zakat and is desirous to perform Umrah. Can she be given zakat if she intends to arrange a trip of Umrah for herself from the ZAKAT money. Jazak Allah.. More