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682 fatwas

  • Zakah on money spent on constructing a house

    As-salamu alaikum wa-rahmatullah wa-barakautallah 1. I spend money from my monthly salary to build house for rent. End of the year I have no balance. But if I do not build house I must have enough money for Zakat. Now I have pay Zakat of this money or not ? 2. I took loan from End-of-Service fund for build house for rent. But this money I can not.. More

  • Zakah on the money of a cancelled sale contract

    Assalam-u-Alaikum, Please I want to ask about nisaab-e-zakat and please guide me from which month I will count myself as sahib-e-nisaab. I am sending you details about my belongings. In February 2009 I had $2500. Then I made an agreement with my brother. In that agreement, I shared one plot (belongs to my brother) with my brother. Terms of agreement:.. More

  • Distributing Zakah and charity on basis of colour or culture

    Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatohu. What is the correct Islamic view point on creation of sects by Muslims based on colour, ethnicity, culture, language and politico/geographic boundaries with a view to distributing Zakat, Sadaqa and welfare amongst their members regardless of other criteria and eligibility? .. More

  • Zakah on a restricted investment deposit in an Islamic bank

    Assalam o Alaikum I have deposited some money with Qatar Islamic Bank as mudarabah in fixed deposits account for 01 year on 50 % share in profit condition and they give me quarterly profits. Profit is not fixed as a percentage of capital but it is just a predetermined share from the profit they made. i can take any time my capital back if i like. is.. More

  • Zakah on the profit earned from marchandise sale

    Is Zakat due on financial aid returns from school that was spent before the one year time frame for zakat to be due? and secondly if I made a profit in selling merchandise I worked on do I have to pay 2.5 % on it even if it didnt last one year and I dont remember the amount I spent on the products or supplies needed to make the item.. More

  • Giving food to an orphanage on occasion of parents’ wedding anniversary

    can i give food to the orphanage on account of the 50th wedding anniversary of my parents one or two days before/after. SALAAM... More

  • How do Muslim organizations use Zakah to help Muslims?

    Small Muslim Organisation in UK provide different services to the Muslim Community (Which is very poor community), and they do not have enought income to carry on these activities. To what extend Small Muslim Organisations can benefit from Zakat Fund?.. More

  • Why Zakah is payable at a rate of 2,5% on most types of wealth

    Assalamulaikum, Dear Sir, one of my friend has very shame full misconceptoon about paying zakat.his question is about references of 2.5% percentage on income and other assets from quran and hadith.(that 2.5% zakat is specifically obligatory) and second question about zakat on the land(as an asset) which is not uder one has to pay zakat on that... More

  • The companions who said that there is no Zakah on gold jewelry used as an ornament

    Assalamualaikum. In your Fatwa No 82925 which is regarding paying zakah on women's gold jewelry, you have mentioned that "The majority of the scholars believe that there is no Zakaah on the woman's jewelry as long as she uses it as an ornament regardless of whether she wears it often or rarely. This opinion is reported from five companions of the.. More

  • Husband and wife paying Zakah separately

    Assalamualikum, Dear brother, I have a question, Can husband and wife pay Zakat separately? For example, husband pay Zakat for money which is earn by both (wife and husband) where the wife pay zakat for the money she earn alone and keep it without the knowledge of her husband . The wife keeps the money she earn by herself with secret and not to let.. More

  • Zakah on gold jewelry intended to be a gift

    salamualaikum, I would like to make a clarification for calculating ZAKAAT. I have gold jewellery approx. 20 tolas(grams) and I know zakat is wajib on entire 20 tolas. I came to know through a question-answer program on TV that if we have intention to give a portion of gold to our daughter during her marriage, let us say 5 tolas. In that way, zakaat.. More

  • Is Zakah due on the salary?

    Salam. My question is about paying Zakah from salary. I am a government servant and getting paid PKR 70,000/- per month. However, all this money is spent monthly and most of the time I left with nothing at the end of the month. So is there any zakah to be paid on my monthly income or not? Moreover, government is deducting income tax from my salary.. More

  • No Zakah on unlawful money earned by working in a usurious bank

    assalamoalykum, my sister works in a investment bank abroad. she gave her zakat to us family to distribute her zakat money amongst needy ones back home. Is it halal for us to distribute zakat money of the person who works in a bank and being my sister? jazakAllaah. .. More

  • Zakah is not due on the value of property given on rent

    Assalam-o-alaikum I bought a flat for Rs. 13 lacs out of which I borrowed half money from my relatives. And I cleared some loan still I have to pay 2.5 lacs My income from flat is 3500 pm and this ramdhan almost one year is completed So how much money I have to pay as a zakah for this flat This flat I purchase so that I can stay there after my.. More

  • Zakat Al-Fitr is obligatory even for one who does not fast

    I am a Moroccan Muslim woman living in a foreign country. I have three sons, the eldest is 19 years old and the youngest is 13 years old. They do not observe fasting. Am I required to give Zakaat Al-Fitr on their behalf or not? Thank you... More