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682 fatwas

  • For several years their father did not pay Zakat Al-Fitr on their behalf

    I am a teenager girl and I have a job. I discovered that my father has not given Zakaat Al-Fitr on my behalf as well as my brothers’ behalf for ten years. Are we held blameworthy for this? Should I pay it for myself or what? .. More

  • Who gives out Zakat Al-Fitr on behalf of a daughter who has wealth?

    My question is: My daughter has recently gotten a job that earns her no more than 200 pounds a month, and I have a job too. I want to know if Zakaat Al-Fitr is due on her from her salary or is it due upon her mother instead. Advise me please, may Allaah reward you... More

  • The condition for giving Zakat Al-Fitr on behalf of the wife

    For a person who concluded his marital contract but did not consummate marriage yet, is he required to give Zakaat Al-Fitr (post Ramadhaan obligatory charity) on behalf of his wife? Thank you!.. More

  • Delaying Zakat Al-Fitr out of forgetfulness

    A father asked his children in Egypt to give Zakaat Al-Fitr (Post Ramadhaan obligatory charity) on his and his wife’s behalf as they were in Makkah performing ‘Umrah. The children gave it on the night of ‘Eed in Egypt. In Saudi Arabia, however, this corresponded to the second night of ‘Eed. They forgetfully did this. Is this Zakaah valid?.. More

  • Zakah on extra cars and unsold tradable items

    Assalamu alaikum.In Islam after our ordinary regular expenses we have to give Zakaat if it reaches Nisaab and one lunar year.I have 2 questions. 1.My relative has 2 cars. Should he give Zakaat for second car before selling?Now ordinarily one needs only one car.So this is extragavance.But second car does sometimes help and comes in need.But will it come.. More

  • Many questions about Zakah

    Asalaamu Aleikum. Please explain the opinion regarding zakat of married people. Below are 4 questions: (1) If the husband is providing for the family and the wife does not have an income, does the husband pay zakat on behalf of them both and does the wife receive any reward from Allah SWT or not. (2) If the wife has some small savings in her name,.. More

  • An organization collects money from its members to help families of the deceased

    There is one Muslim organization they have a lot of members and some benefit schemes. If anyone of their member dies then they will collect half KD each from all of their members and make huge amount, accordingly they used to help the deceased family. My question is this is permitted as per Islam?.. More

  • Receiving Zakah as education fees for a child

    Ass salaam alykum,I want to put my child in an islamic school which gives both modern & islamic education including q'uran hafeza but the problem is this school is charging a very high fees approx 300 us$ per month,some how when we ask for concession they say you pay according to your ablity rest we will fulfill by zakah which they are getting from.. More

  • The Nisaab for gold is 85 grams of pure gold

    Assalamu Alaikum, Please can u tell me what should I do regarding Zakat on 9carat gold. Do i weigh it with my other gold which is 18carat. or do as the shopowner did when weighing it last year which was weigh it separately ,and then halve the weight. ie. the weight was 30grm 9carat . so he said its equal to 15grm 18carat. Jazak allahu kheir ... More

  • One may receive Zakah if he cannot fulfil his basic needs

    Salam 3alaykom, My friend has a married sister and her husband is not in a good financial status, she said she wanna give herf rom the zakah money, I told her, he has a shop and a car and he owns a house, she said but at the end of the month it really narrows down on money and he has 2 kids. How can we tell if someone is in need of zakah? because the.. More

  • Silver has its own Nisaab

    The Nisab level for paying zakah for gold is 85 grams and for silver it is is 595 grams. But If suppose one is having 600 grams of silver than he is above the nisab level of silver and zakat is compulsory on him but if he converts this 600gms of silver into gold then the new value of the gold after conversion will be less than the nisab level of gold. How.. More

  • Making a trick to pay Zakah to parents who are not poor

    Salam 3alaykom 3eebad ALLAH, My friend wants to give zakah to her mother and father, i told her its not allowed in islam because its a duty on you to help them, she said what if i give my aunt and indirectly she will give my parents (her aunt is poor and in need), i told her dont be like the jews who try to out smart RUBB al 3alameen, whom are u being.. More

  • Wants to pay Zakah to his cousin to help him with his wedding expenses

    Assalam-o-alakam, I have question related to zakah,i have paternal aunty who is widow,she has her own house ALHAMDOLILLAH,her elder sone is now earning 30000 rupees monthly and he is getting married soon.I want to inquire can i give them zakat money as though he is earning 30000 rs./monthly yet he hasnt any savings for wedding because all his salary.. More

  • Eating from the meat donated for charity

    If some body wants to give Sadqa in meat shape and slut an animal like goat,lamb ,cow etc, he himself or his family member cant eat or he will give all the meat to poor,meskeen. Kindly give detail of Sadqa Frzi, nafli ,charity.. More

  • Zakat on money of the child

    Assalaamualaikum. Is zakaat due upon children who have been receving gifts of money and jewellery since birth or have inherited wealth? If not at what age do children pay zakaat and if children are not of legal age (which is 18 yrs in my country - Trinidad and Tobago) to conduct financial dealings can their parents do the needful on their behalf?.. More