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Prophet Mohammad migrated to Medina and saw Jews of Medina fasting on Ashoorah. He said: if I am alive next year, I will fast 9th and 10th (or 10th and 11th?) and he died before next Muharram. Prophet Mohammad stayed 10 years in Medina after migrating from Makkah. With reference to the Hadith of fasting on Ashoorah, how do we explain the above delay.. More
My mother suffers from asthmatic health problem. This causes diffulties in fasting. Is she allowed to use the inhaler which contains medicine? Would this nullify her fast?
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Wearing of contact lens when fasting, which are normaly dipped in chemical for disinfections.
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I want to know if a person does bad thing like saying bad words watching bad films or some thing else in Ramadan what should he or she do for it?
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What is the meaning of RAFATH which is forbiden (Haram) in Ramadan?
What things can break my fast (Saum) from sexual side - touch wife, kiss, hug ...etc. because I am a newly married young man?
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What is the ruling regarding Imsak before the Fajr? Is it Haram to eat or drink after the Imsak?.. More
If one has to make up for missed fasts from Ramadan (around 20 or so days), do they have to make it up consecutively or can they fast Mondays and Thursdays only, until they make up the days?
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I want to know if I could start fasting the 6 days of Shawal before or after making up the days I missed fasting in Ramadan?
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A woman of 65 years asked about substituting days she didn't fast in Ramadan from many years ago, but she always fasted six days in Shawwal but not making up the missed days in Ramadan. She also fasted Mondays and Thursdays usually; she is trying now to substitute those days, which are many months. Can those days she fasted, without intending to substitute.. More
If one had a nocturnal emission, woke up about half an hour before fajr noticed it, but unfortunately, was too tired to take a shower before fajr, is it still permitted to fast the day? When he wakes up, he'll make ghusl.
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I want to know if I could start fasting the 6 days of Shawwal before or after making up the days I didn't fast in Ramadan?
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What's the punishment for someone who eats during Ramadan? What can he do to solve this problem?
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If I forget that I am fasting and I eat something during the day of Ramadan, what shall I do?
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I have a medical condition Narcolepsy. If I don't take medication in the morning I cannot get out of bed and will sleep most of the day until I take it. Can I take the medication in the morning and continue to fast? Once I take these pills, I have not other ailment that would keep me from being able to fast, and I am not of poor health. I am 29 years.. More
At which time should the passenger end his fast?
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